Release 25.1

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Release note 24.5

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  • Scheme token

This document gives you a functional content preview of the Worldline Sips 24R5 release.

It is separated into two parts: :

  • New additions to the Worldline Sips Solution
  • Regulatory changes

If you would like to benefit from those new features, please get in touch with your usual Worldline Sips contact for our current customer else contact to sips@worldline.com. Deliveries in production: from september 09th to september 27th 2024

New features of the Worldline Sips Solution

Implementation of scheme tokenization in « on behalf » mode applied to transactions linked to the merchant tokens

Tokenization is a way to store card data securely to avoid or minimize a merchant PCI compliance obligation.

There are two types of tokenization on Worldline Sips:

  • Merchant token, for which card data is collected and stored securely by Worldline Sips
  • Token scheme, for which card data is collected and transmitted to the TSPs* (Carte Bancaire, Visa, Mastercard) to generate a scheme token

The “on behalf” mode means that Worldline Sips manages on behalf of its merchants the enrollement and management of the tokenisation scheme with the TSPs of the CB, Mastercard Visa schemes.

Until now this option only concerned cases of duplication on Visa and Mastercard. Worldline Sips now allows you to benefit from the scheme token functionality for all use cases (CIT COF and COF MIT transactions, in On behalf or Passthrough mode) on the three networks CB, Mastercard, Visa.

Using this method, Worldline Sips will collect from the TSPs the scheme tokens corresponding to the PANs of transactions initiated with a merchant token. They will then be used instead of PANs when requesting authorizations.

Our interfaces and reporting tools (automatic responses and logs) will be powered by Dpan.

This feature does not require updating the interfaceVersion.

*TSP = Token Service Provider

**CIT = Customer Initiated Transaction

***COF MIT = Credential-on-file Merchant Initiated Transaction

**Dpan = Digital PAN (virtual card number) automatically generated when a new card is added by customer

Regulatory changes


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