Release 25.1

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This function allows you to cancel a transaction before it is sent to the bank and thus avoid a future refund. You can cancel all or part of a transaction. This function is useful if you need to ensure that products are in stock.

A cancellation cannot be made after a transaction has been settled. You will then have to make a refund (total or partial).

The cancellation operation is impossible once the settlement processing has started. To find out the settlement time per acquirer, see this table.


A cancellation operation can not be cancelled.

A cap adjustment request is made if this functionality is functionality is supported by the acquirer.

Here is the life cycle of a transaction during a cancellation (some payment means may have specific status, please consult the guides of the different payment means):

life cycle of a tranasaction when cancelled

A transaction can be cancelled when it is in TO_CAPTURE, TO_CHALLENGE, TO_VALIDATE or TO_AUTHORIZE status. When the transaction is completely cancelled, it changes to CANCELLED status. If only part of the transaction is cancelled, it does not change status.
Table 1. Summary
Available connectors Sips Office, Sips Office Batch, Sips Office Extranet
Worldline Sips configuration YES Not activated by default
Acquirer checking NO

  • Transactions report: NO
  • Operations report: YES, CANCEL
  • Sips Office Extranet: YES

To cancel a transaction via , use the cancel function.

To cancel a transaction via Sips Office Batch, use the cancel method.

Click on the transactions tab.

The following page will display:

transactions search page

You can filter the cancellable transactions with Sips Office Extranet search engine. Select the status "To be remitted":

The results are displayed:

Click on the cancellation button of a transaction in the list of results.

Note: You can also cancel a transaction from the detailed view of a transaction clicking on the cancellation button.

The following page appears:

transaction to cancel information

Enter the amount to be cancelled. Click on cancel transaction.

The following page will then display if the cancellation is successful:

summary of cancellation transaction

If the cancellation has failed (the amount is higher than the amount of the initial transaction), the following page will display:

summary of the transaction not cancelled

When performing a cancellation with Sips Office or Sips Office Batch, you can get the following error responseCode:

responseCode définition
24 The transaction does not have the right status (TO_CAPTURE, TO_VALIDATE, TO_AUTHORIZE or TO_CHALLENGE).

Or another cash management operation is in progress on this transaction.

40 You do not have the permission to cancel a transaction.
51 The amount to cancel is higher than the amount of the original transaction.

You can consult all the response codes on this dedicated page.

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