Release 24.5

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Release note 24.3

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  • Scheme token
  • getTransactionData

This document gives you a functional content preview of the Worldline Sips 24R3 release.

It is separated into two parts: :

  • New additions to the Worldline Sips Solution
  • Regulatory changes

If you would like to benefit from those new features, please get in touch with your usual Worldline Sips contact for our current customer else contact to sips@worldline.com. Deliveries in production: from June 3rd 25th to June 21th 2024

New features of the Worldline Sips Solution

Implementation of scheme tokenization in « on behalf » mode applied to duplication operations

Tokenization is a way to store card data securely to avoid or minimize a merchant PCI compliance obligation.

There are two types of tokenization on Worldline Sips:

  • Merchant token, for which card data is collected and stored securely by Worldline Sips
  • Token scheme, for which card data is collected and transmitted to the TSPs* (Carte Bancaire, Visa, Mastercard) to generate a token

The “on behalf” mode means that Worldline Sips manages the registration with the TSPs of the different schemes on behalf of its merchants.

This new option concerns merchants carrying out duplication operations.

Using this method, Worldline Sips will collect from the TSPs the scheme tokens corresponding to the PANs of the duplicated transactions. They will then be used instead of these PANs when requesting authorizations.

Our reporting tools (automatic responses and reports) will be supplied by Dpan**.

This new functionality will increase the usage rate of scheme tokens in the context of COF MIT*** type transactions and will be a first step before other use cases that Worldline Sips will soon offer. It does not require updating the interfaceVersion.

We remind you that the tokenization scheme is required by the international Visa and Mastercard schemes and applies to COF transactions, when the card data is stored by the merchant or his TAP**.

*TSP = Token Service Provider

**Dpan = Digital PAN (virtual card number) automatically generated when a new card is added by customer

***COF MIT = Credential-on-file Merchant Initiated Transaction

** TAP = Technical Acceptance Provider

The following fields to facilitate reconciliation have been added in response to the getTransactionData function:

In the case of a reconciled transaction :

  • matchingWarningDate
  • matchingErrorDate
  • paymentStatus
  • grossAmount

In the case of a reconciled unpaid :

  • chargebackReasonCode
  • chargebackAmount
  • chargebackDocumentRequestReason
  • chargebackDocumentRequestDate

This evolution requires the interfaceVersion 2.53.

3DS processing of cards outside Europe

As part of 3DS payments made with TRA ACQ (Acquirer Transaction Risk Analysis) exemption request, Visa asks merchants the implementation of a specific process for transactions carried out with non-European cards:

  • Either convey the transaction in 3DS with Frictionless request (3DS Requestor Challenge Indicator = 02)
  • Either convey the transaction directly to authorization

Currently, non-European cards are refused during TRA ACQ exemption requests. In fact, the TRA ACQ Acquirer exemption is a system linked to the PSD2 SCA, implemented only within the European Economic Area.

From Release 24R3, payments with a non-European VISA card will be forced into Frictionless mode by Worldline Sips, no action is required from the merchant.

Regulatory changes

Addition of a privacy manifest to the iOS inApp SDK

Under new European regulations, Apple is forcing suppliers of third-party libraries (SDKs) to declare how they use the personal data they are likely to collect and exploit. Worldline has therefore added a privacy manifest to the Sips in-App SDK for iOS (version 24.3.0) to ensure that the merchant’s application complies with this requirement and is not rejected by App Store validators.

Maintenance corrective

Ref. Appli. Defect type Solution summary Priority
BFIRM-65070 Web Paypage Bug Link to the KO security policy Minor
BFIRM-65120 Web Paypage Bug The format of the customerContact field prevents the automatic response from being generated Minor
BFIRM-65143 Transactions report Bug Duplicated transactions in transactions report Critical
BFIRM-65192 Sips Office Batch Bug Transactions not included in the SOB response for a responseCode 99 Major

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