Release 25.1

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Accessibility statement

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Worldline is committed to make its Worldline Sips documentation site accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law n°2005-102 of February 11, 2005. To this end, the following strategy and actions are implemented:

This accessibility statement applies to https://docs.sips.worldline-solutions.com/.

Compliance status

Worldline Sips documentation web site, https://docs.sips.worldline-solutions.com/ is in partial compliance with the General Accessibility Standards (RGAA), version 4.0 due to the non-conformities and exemptions listed below.

Tests results

The compliance audit conducted by Worldline reveals that:

  • 71,4% of the RGAA version 4.0 criteria are met
  • The average compliance rate of the site is 90%.
  • Access to the RGAA ausit grid

Non accessible content


  • Some schemes that are too complex to describe in writing do not have a detailed description in the alt attribute. The alt attribute contains the following sentence: “Scheme too complex, please contact support”. You can contact support at sips@worldline.com.
  • Some screenshots or diagrams within the documentation are described as decorative (attribute aria-hidden=true) although they contain information because the information is already given in the text of the documentation and the diagram does not give additional information.
  • Some pages and especially some tables are not displayed correctly in 200% zoom. However, you can keep the page in 100% zoom and download a pdf (crtl + P on the keyboard). This will allow you to enlarge the documentation according to your needs.

The rest of the non-conformities are described in the audit grid.

Exemptions for disproportionate workload


Content not subject to the accessibility obligation


Establishment of this declaration of accessibility

This statement was established on 05/17/2022. It has been updated on 11/02/2022.

Technologies used

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Test environment

The content restitution checks were carried out on the basis of the combination provided by the RGAA 4.1 reference base, with the following versions:

  • Chrome 101.0.4951.67
  • NVDA 2021.2
  • Firefox 98.0

Outils pour évaluer l’accessibilité

  • Colour Contrast Analyser
  • Web Developer (Chrome extension)
  • HeadingsMap (Chrome extension)
  • Axe DevTools (Chrome extension)
  • Text zoom only (option on Firefox)

Pages of the site that were subject to the compliance audit

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access a content or service, you can contact the Worldline Sips documentation site manager, https://docs.sips.worldline-solutions.com/ to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.

  • Send an email to: sips@worldline.com with the following object: “Report about Worldline Sips documentation site accessibility”.


This procedure is to be used in the following case.

You have notified the website manager of a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing a content or service of the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.

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