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Release note 23.4

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  • MDC

This document gives you a functional content preview of the Worldline Sips 23R4 release.

It is separated into two parts: :

  • new additions to the Worldline Sips Solution
  • regulatory changes.

If you would like to benefit from those new features, please get in touch with your usual Worldline Sips contact for our current customer else contact to sips@worldline.com.

Deliveries in production : from 03 to 21 July 2023

New features of the Worldline Sips Solution

New access parameters for the CB Card Account Updater service

The CB service that provides the new PAN and the new expiry date of a card in the event of its renewal (expired or blocked card) is now also available via token, in addition to the PAN.

We remind you that if you want to benefit from this feature, you have to address your Worldline Sips point of contact and your acquirer.

More details on our online documentation.

Regulatory changes

Migration to the standard Frictionless value

As of September 2023, CB is requesting PSP to get rid of Frictionless Delegate and use one single value for frictionless : “FR”.

Worldline is globally abandoning this use and migrating to the one single Frictionless value (CB and Mastercard) for all acquirers, including WL BE.

The Delegate Frictionless value is deleted from the online documentation.

Corrective maintenance

Ref. Appli. Defect type Solution summary Priority
BFIRM-59763 Reports Functional defect Feeding transaction log fields with Wallet data for payments with a card registered in a Wallet Critical
BFIRM-61356 Office Functional defect Some transactions (wrongly) considered as CIT are now welly tagged MIT. Critical
BFIRM-61469 Wallet-Papyage Functional defect Card name protection when adding a card to the wallet from Paypage Minor
BFIRM-61804 Papyage Functional defect Amex is not anymore displayed as a payment mean in SamsungPay. Major
BFIRM-61999 SOE Regression defect Robustness when searching the ACTIVITY_TIMES field. Major

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