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Release note 23.3

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  • SOE
  • Update of the rage of languages offered
  • Reports
  • New CB service
  • Oneclick without CVV

This document gives you a functional content preview of the Worldline Sips 23R3 release.

It is separated into two parts: :

  • new additions to the Worldline Sips Solution
  • regulatory changes.

If you would like to benefit from those new features, please get in touch with your usual Worldline Sips contact for our current customer else contact to sips@worldline.com. Deliveries in production: from Monday, May 8th until Friday, May 26th 2023

New features of the Worldline Sips Solution

Display of all the operations of a transaction

When searching on Sips Office Extranet, you can now display 100 operations of a transaction. The display was previously limited to 20 operations.

Evolution of payment confirmations

As part of the Worldline Sips domain name harmonization project, the merchant domains used for sending payment confirmations will be replaced by the sips-services.com domain on our email platform.

For merchants who have activated the payment confirmation option with a sender (from) different from noreply@sips-services.com :

  • The sender (from) will be replaced by noreply@sips-services.com. (1)
  • Emails will be signed with DKIM (2)
  • Emails will be signed with SPF on the ppb.worldline.com domain (3)

This evolution has no application impact for merchants. However, we invite them to check that no control is set up in their integration on the acceptance of external emails.

From an Internet user’s point of view, the payment confirmation will be received with the new domain name noreply@sips-services.com.

(1) : For emails from the test platform, they will be replaced by noreply@test.sips-services.com (2) : DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) adds a digital signature to outgoing emails (3) : SPF (Sendor Policy Framework) verifies the authenticity of sender domains

Update of the range of languages offered

The languages available on Paypage pages are changing. The following 5 languages will be removed:

  • Breton
  • Bulgarian
  • Croatian
  • Welsh
  • Hindi

New fields in Sips Office Extranet (SOE)

Sips Office Extranet integrates 1 new block that will allow you to obtain the card information and adds 4 new fields in the “authentication details” block.

The new “card information” block will be composed of 7 fields:

  • IssuerName
  • IssuerCountryCode
  • IssuingCountryCode
  • IssuerCode
  • cardProductCode
  • cardProductName
  • cardProductProfile

Le bloc « détails de l’authentification » s’étoffe avec l’ajout de 4 champs :

  • initialHolderAuthentProgram
  • initialAuthentDateTime
  • initialHolderAuthentType
  • InitialChallengeMode3DS

Evolution of reports

New fields are added to the various reports

**For the transactions report (from TAB20_V23) **

  • initialHolderAuthentProgram
  • initialAuthentDateTime
  • initialHolderAuthentType
  • InitialChallengeMode3DS
  • IssuerName
  • IssuerCountryCode
  • IssuingCountryCode
  • IssuerCode
  • cardProductCode
  • cardProductName
  • cardProductProfile

For the reconciliation report of unpaid invoices (from TAB20_V10) :

  • initialHolderAuthentProgram
  • initialAuthentDateTime
  • initialHolderAuthentType
  • InitialChallengeMode3DS

  • 3DS Data

    • authentDateTime
    • authentAmount
    • paymentPattern
    • holderAuthentStatus
    • holderAuthentProgram
    • holderAuthentRelegationCode
    • holderAuthentType
    • challengeMode3DS
    • transactionIndicator

For the bank reconciliation report (from TAB20_V13) :

  • initialHolderAuthentProgram
  • initialAuthentDateTime
  • initialHolderAuthentType
  • InitialChallengeMode3DS

New CB service : card data update (MDC by CB)

When a card is renewed due to expiry or cancellation, CB offers a new service that provides the new PAN and the new expiry date.

For all merchants who make recurring payments and/or subscriptions, this service allows them to retrieve the new card information and avoid any interruption in payment.

To benefit from this service, the merchant must first sign an endorsement with his acquirer.

Worldline Sips accepts OneClick transactions without CVV

During a 3DSV2 authentication, the regulations indicate that for CardOnFile (COF) transactions, the CVV is optional. Worldline Sips now accepts Oneclick transactions without CVV.

This change leads to value updates for this field:

  • Addition of the COF value to indicate that it is a OneClick payment with wallet managed by the Merchant (For this new value, CVV will be optional)
  • Sending COF field in authorization and remittance
  • Rendering the PanEntryMode field in SOE.

This will include merchants using M2M, InApp, SOB connectors and managing their own wallets.

ResponseCode 97 : enrichment of reporting tools

Continuing the responseCode 97 (expired session) enrichment project started in 23R1, the following changes are made:

  • The data abortedProcessingStep (Name of the processing step where the transaction was interrupted (responseCode = 97 or 17) is added to the transaction report.
  • The data abortedProcessingLocation (Location of the last processing step where the transaction was aborted (responseCode = 97 or 17) is added to the transaction report.
  • The “unknown” data now indicated in the means of payment column means that the transaction has timed out. The cardholder has not specifically selected the payment method.

This new version 20_V23 of reports implies the presence of transactions with the value responseCode = 97 or 17.

  • The data “unknown” is now added in SOE, in the payment method column. It means that the bearer has not selected the payment method and that the transaction has expired.

Addition of fields in responses and reports

The fields “settlementArchivingReference”, “paymentAccountReference” and “issuerName” have been added in responses (automatic, manual and in the reports) in the following methods:

(1) settlementArchivingReference: data provided to the acquirer for processing settlements and reconciliations (2) paymentAccountReference: reference of the bank account associated (3) issuerName: issuer name of the card

Transaction search results not limited and timer display

In Sips Office Extranet, the display of transactions during a search is currently limited to 200 transactions. This limit will be lifted. For easy reading, the transactions will be displayed 200 by 200 with infinite pagination.

In addition, the Excel export will allow to retrieve the first 10 000 transactions of the search, sorted by date from the oldest to the most recent.

During the execution of the search as well as during the creation of the export, an hourglass will be displayed.

Maintenance corrective

Ref. Appli. Defect type Solution summary Priority
BFIRM-60860 PAYPAGE Functional defect After a secret key update no issue to compute the manual response Minor
BFIRM-61062 Batch-reports Functional defect CardCSCPresence and paymentAttemptNumber are well computed in transaction report Minor
BFIRM-61513 Reconciliation Regression Fix of TREF transaction in the RGI Critical
BFIRM-61790 batch reports Regression Operation report is well generated Critical

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