Release 25.1

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Release note 24.2

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  • MEX 2 factors authentification
  • Manual and automatic responses

This document gives you a functional content preview of the Worldline Sips 24R2 release.

It is separated into two parts: :

  • New additions to the Worldline Sips Solution
  • Regulatory changes

If you would like to benefit from those new features, please get in touch with your usual Worldline Sips contact for our current customer else contact to sips@worldline.com. Deliveries in production: from March 25th to April 12th 2024

New features of the Worldline Sips Solution

Multi-factor authentication for Merchant Extranet (MEX)

As part of its PCI-DSS certification, Worldline Sips has to evolve the authentication method to access Merchant Extranet (MEX). This development involves two-factor authentication which introduces an additional level of security.

Following validation of their credentials on the login page, the user will be redirected to a security code entry page.

Then, the user has to enter the security code received by email and validate their entry. They will automatically be redirected to MEX.

Content will soon be available in online documentation

1.1.2 Enhanced documentation for automatic and manual responses

The content of automatic and manual responses is now detailed on dedicated pages, accessible via the data dictionary.

Example for Paypage and InApp :

image showing the fields of the response for paypage with a code sample

Click here to find out more

Example for Walletpage :

image showing the fields of the response for walletpage with a code sample

Click here to find out more

Regulatory changes


Maintenance corrective

Ref. Appli. Defect type Solution summary Priority
BFIRM-58712 Web Paypage Bug Wrong captureMode field for Franfinance Minor
BFIRM-64756 SOE Bug Some valid IBANs are not accepted by SOE Major

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