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Newsletter - October 2023

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  • X-Pay
  • MDC
  • DSP3

What's new at Worldline Sips?

Nomadic payment methods: A real boom in mobile payment

Mobile payment (by smartphone, tablet or connected watch) is becoming more and more popular in France.

This trend is particularly reflected in e-commerce payment. At Worldline Sips, we observe that more than half of online purchases in the first half of 2023 were made via smartphones.

The boom in mobile payment applications or X-Pay (Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay) is contributing to this evolution in consumer purchasing behavior.

In fact, 10% of our merchants’ CB, Visa and Mastercard transactions pass through these applications.

Why choose these payment methods via Worldline Sips?

  • An ultra-simplified customer experience
  • An acceptance rate above average (94%)

Our teams have already helped numerous merchants in the implementation of X-Pay payment methods.

Jump on the bandwagon: offer your customers the payment methods they expect.

Find all the information in our documentations :

Card Data updates (MDC by CB): A service to limit payment disruptions

Available since this summer, the MDC service offered by CB allows merchants managing subscriptions and/or recurring payments to receive up-to-date card data* simply and securely.

You get the new PAN as well as the new expiry date in the event of renewal of a card (for expiration or opposition). This ensures the continuity of subscriptions and one-click payments.

A win-win situation for you and your customers:

  • An improved purchasing experience
  • A better acceptance rate
  • Real-time updating of card data

Find out more on MDC by CB

NB : This MDC option requires the cardholder’s agreement with their bank. As a merchant, you will have to sign an amendment with your acquirer.

Regulatory info

PSD3: next phase of Open Banking in Europe

After PSD1 which laid the foundations for a unified European payment area, and PSD2 which had a significant impact on the sector, the European Commission will soon move up a gear with PSD3.

Indeed, since the health crisis, needs and technologies have evolved significantly. Electronic payment is experiencing rapid growth with its share of questions relating to payment security.

The merchant diversifies its payment options, making it easier for the consumer to make purchases, but everyone wants to be reassured about the risks of non-payment and fraud.

The PSD3 therefore proposes to go further than the previous directives:

  • by accelerating access and sharing of financial data between banks and fintechs;
  • by improving competitiveness in the payments market thanks to the emergence of new players;
  • by strengthening payment security and consumer data protection;
  • by shortening compensation times and limiting the risk of non-payment for the merchant.

Click here for more info on PSD3


Hosted Fields

The implementation of Sips Hosted Fields, an option of the Sips Office mode, allows you to customise your payment pages unlimitedly and in complete security!

Continue to manage and host your payment pages by outsourcing security requirements (no sensitive data passes unencrypted to your server).

To get started, refer to our hosted fields documentation.


As you already know, configuring certain fields in your payment requests allows you to foster frictionless payments and streamline your customers’ purchasing process.

Worldline Sips provides you with a classification of the fields used by the networks to fight against fraud and to optimize your chances of obtaining a frictionless payment.

Click here to consult the list of fields to optimize your chances of obtaining a frictionless payment..

Payment Facilitator

For over a year, Worldline Sips has been authorised to administer payment facilitators.

This all-in-one service offers its affiliated merchants the advantage of delegating payment management, from integration to collection.

Click here to find out more on payment facilitator.

Status Page

AIn order to ensure permanent dissemination of information to its customers, Worldline Sips wanted to multiply its communication channels.

By subscribing to our Status Page, you will be notified and kept informed of the status of maintenance and incidents.

Join our subscribers now and register in on click.

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