Release 25.1

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CB Account Updater

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Worldline Sips is a secure multi-channel e-commerce payment solution that complies with the PCI DSS standard. It allows you to accept and manage payment transactions by taking into account business rules related to your activity (payment upon shipping, deferred payment, recurring payment, payment in instalments, etc.).

The objective of this document is to explain the implementation of the "Mise à jour des Données Cartes (MDC)" solution proposed by the CB network, allowing to provide the new PAN and its new expiry date in case of expiry date in the event of a card renewal (expired or blocked card).

This document is particularly dedicated to merchants processing recurring payments and/or subscriptions and want to be able to request new card data in case of expiry or cancellation and thus avoid any interruption of payment.

The use cases are :

  • subscriptions
  • wallet
  • one click

This document aims to help you to set up the "Mise à jour des Données Cartes (MDC)" service by describing the functionalities and explains how to implement them with the Worldline Sips solution.

To get an overview of the Worldline Sips solution, we advise you to consult the following documents :

  • Functional presentation
  • Functionality set-up guide
Note: We remind you that this is a real time service and cannot be used as a batch service.
Note: A maximum number of PAN in a request must not be exceeded. This limit is currently being defined and will necessarily be less than 10 000.

The CB account updater service requires the signature of an amendment with your acquirer. You can send an application form for the CB account updater service to your usual WL Sips contact who will then activate the option.

We also advise you to update your GTC to inform your customers that you have the right to access the "Mise à jour des Données Cartes (MDC)" service to update card data.

This service is offered by CB, which means that only CB or CB-XXX co-badged cards (CB-VISA, etc.) are eligible to respond to Updating Card Data requests.

The eligible card types are :

  • pure CB ;
  • CB/VISA ;
  • CB/VPAY;

We recommend to use this service in the following cases :

  • Within 15 days of the card's expiration date ;
  • More than 4 months before the card expires.

However, it is possible to apply for the service after an Authorisation Request has been refused on the grounds of an expired, lost or stolen card (nativeAcquirerResponseCode = 33, 54, 41, 43).

This service is accessible via the Sips Office connector.

Using the update function from accountUpdate service, this is the data from the query.

Field name Remarks/rules
cardScheme Network name associated with the card. Must be valued with the CB value
merchantId Identifier of the shop.
interfaceVersion Version value and number of the interface used. (Since AU_WS_2.49)
seal Message seal used to ensure the integrity of the request and the authentication of sender / receiver of the message.
keyVersion Version of the merchant’s secret key used to calculate the imprint of the message (key stored by the merchant to verify the imprint of the automatic and manual notifications).
sealAlgorithm Algorithm applied to calculate the seal encryption.
panList List of PANs to be renewed.
Note: A maximum number of PAN in a request must not be exceeded. It has to be less than 10 000.

When receiving the answer, before analysing it and following the advice in the table below, check the seal. The recalculated seal must be identical to the seal received..

The output fields are :

Status Response fields Action to take

Request correct and processed and card number list renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newPan = new PAN,

newCardExpiryDate = new card expiry date,

oldPan = old PAN,

ausNativeAppCode = 000,

ausResponseStatus = ACCOUNT_UPDATED


Process the return request to update your data.

Request correct and processed and card number list not renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newPan = empty,

newCardExpiryDate = empty,

oldPan = old PAN,

ausNativeAppCode = (see the Data Dictionary),

ausResponseStatus = ACCOUNT_NOT_UPDATED


Process the return request to update your data.

Request correct and processed and card number list not renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newPan = empty,

newCardExpiryDate = empty,

oldPan = old PAN,

ausNativeAppCode = (see the Data Dictionary),



Process the return request to update your data.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 03

The merchant is not enrolled in the MDC service

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 12

Use cases :

- maximum entry list size exceeded ;

- more than a list filled in input;

- duplicates in the list of entries.

Consult the field errorFieldName, and correct the incorrect value.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 30

Use case : the format is not respected in the input lists

Consult the field errorFieldName, and correct the incorrect value.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 90 ou 99

Case related to unavailability of the network.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = different of 00

Consult the Sips Office guide for the chosen connector (JSON, POST or SOAP) to analyse the response from WL Sips.

Using the update function from accountUpdate service, this is the data from the query.

Field name Remarks/rules
cardScheme Network name associated with the card. Must be valued with the CB value
merchantId Identifier of the shop.
interfaceVersion Version value and number of the interface used. (Depuis AU_WS_2.50)
seal Message seal used to ensure the integrity of the request and the authentication of sender / receiver of the message.
keyVersion Version of the merchant’s secret key used to calculate the imprint of the message (key stored by the merchant to verify the imprint of the automatic and manual notifications).
sealAlgorithm Algorithm applied to calculate the seal encryption.
tokenPanList List of tokenPan to be renewed.
Note: A maximum number of tokenPan in a request must not be exceeded. For more details contact us.

When receiving the answer, before analysing it and following the advice in the table below, check the seal. The recalculated seal must be identical to the seal received..

The output fields are :

Status Response fields Action to take

Request correct and processed and tokenPan list renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newTokenPan = new tokenPan,

newCardExpiryDate = new card expiry date,

oldTokenPan = old tokenPan,

ausNativeAppCode = 000,

ausResponseStatus = ACCOUNT_UPDATED


Process the return request to update your data.

Request correct and processed and tokenPan list not renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newTokenPan = empty,

newCardExpiryDate = empty,

oldTokenPan = old tokenPan,

ausNativeAppCode = (see the Data Dictionary),

ausResponseStatus = ACCOUNT_NOT_UPDATED


Process the return request to update your data.

Request correct and processed and tokenPan list not renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newTokenPan = empty,

newCardExpiryDate = empty,

oldTokenPan = old tokenPan,

ausNativeAppCode = (see the Data Dictionary),



Process the return request to update your data.

Request correct and processed and tokenPan list not renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newTokenPan = empty,

newCardExpiryDate = empty,

oldTokenPan = old tokenPan,

ausNativeAppCode = (see the Data Dictionary),

ausResponseStatus = INVALID_TOKEN


The tokenPan is invalid.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 03

The merchant is not enrolled in the MDC service

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 12

Use cases :

- maximum entry list size exceeded ;

- more than a list filled in input;

- duplicates in the list of entries.

Consult the field errorFieldName , and correct the incorrect value.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 30

Use case : the format is not respected in the input lists

Consult the field errorFieldName , and correct the incorrect value.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 40

Use case : merchant who does not have the Token option

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 90 ou 99

Case related to unavailability of the network.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = different of 00

Consult the Sips Office guide for the chosen connector (JSON, POST or SOAP) to analyse the response from WL Sips.

Using the update function from accountUpdate service, this is the data from the query.

Field name Remarks/rules
cardScheme Network name associated with the card. Must be valued with the CB value
merchantId Identifier of the shop.
interfaceVersion Version value and number of the interface used. (Depuis AU_WS_2.50)
seal Message seal used to ensure the integrity of the request and the authentication of sender / receiver of the message.
keyVersion Version of the merchant’s secret key used to calculate the imprint of the message (key stored by the merchant to verify the imprint of the automatic and manual notifications).
sealAlgorithm Algorithm applied to calculate the seal encryption.
walletDataList List of walletData to be renewed.
Note: A maximum number of walletData in a request must not be exceeded. For more details contact us.

When receiving the answer, before analysing it and following the advice in the table below, check the seal. The recalculated seal must be identical to the seal received..

The output fields are :

Status Response fields Action to take

Request correct and processed and walletData list renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newMerchantWalletId = new merchantWalletId,

newPaymentMeanId = new paymentMeanId,

newCardExpiryDate = new card expiry date,

oldMerchantWalletId = old merchantWalletId,

oldPaymentMeanId = old paymentMeanId,

ausNativeAppCode = 000,

ausResponseStatus = ACCOUNT_UPDATED


Process the return request to update your data.

Request correct and processed and walletData list not renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newMerchantWalletId = empty,

newPaymentMeanId = empty,

newCardExpiryDate = empty,

oldMerchantWalletId = old merchantWalletId,

oldPaymentMeanId = old paymentMeanId,

ausNativeAppCode = (see the Data Dictionary),

ausResponseStatus = ACCOUNT_NOT_UPDATED


Process the return request to update your data.

Request correct and processed and walletData list not renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newMerchantWalletId = empty,

newPaymentMeanId = empty,

newCardExpiryDate = empty,

oldMerchantWalletId = old merchantWalletId,

oldPaymentMeanId = old paymentMeanId,

ausNativeAppCode = (see the Data Dictionary),



Process the return request to update your data.

Request correct and processed and walletData list not renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newMerchantWalletId = empty,

newPaymentMeanId = empty,

newCardExpiryDate = empty,

oldMerchantWalletId = old merchantWalletId,

oldPaymentMeanId = old paymentMeanId,

ausNativeAppCode = (see the Data Dictionary),

ausResponseStatus = INVALID_WALLET


The wallet identified by the merchantWalletId and paymentMeanId is invalid.

Request correct and processed and walletData list not renewed

ausReturnCode = 00

accountUpdateResultList =


newMerchantWalletId = empty,

newPaymentMeanId = empty,

newCardExpiryDate = empty,

oldMerchantWalletId = old merchantWalletId,

oldPaymentMeanId = old paymentMeanId,

ausNativeAppCode = (see the Data Dictionary),



The wallet payment method identified by merchantWalletId and paymentMeanId is not a card.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 03

The merchant is not enrolled in the MDC service

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 12

Use cases :

- maximum entry list size exceeded ;

- more than a list filled in input;

- duplicates in the list of entries.

Consult the field errorFieldName , and correct the incorrect value.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 30

Use case : the format is not respected in the input lists

Consult the field errorFieldName , and correct the incorrect value.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 40

Use case : merchant who does not have the OneClick option

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = 90 ou 99

Case related to unavailability of the network.

Invalid request

ausReturnCode = different of 00

Consult the Sips Office guide for the chosen connector (JSON, POST or SOAP) to analyse the response from WL Sips.

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