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Sips Hosted Fields

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Worldline Sips is a secure multi-channel e-commerce payment solution that complies with the PCI DSS standard. It allows you to accept and manage payment transactions by taking into account business rules related to your activity (payment upon shipping, deferred payment, recurring payment, payment in instalments, etc.).

The purpose of this document is to explain the implementation steps of the Sips Hosted Fields solution up to live operations.

This document is intended for merchants wishing to subscribe to the Worldline Sips offer and to include a payment page integrated to their website without being subject to the most complete PCI-DSS questionnaire because sensitive data transits through their server. The Sips Hosted Fields connector is based on JSON exchanges using the REST protocol, in machine-to-machine mode.

It is an implementation guide for your technical team.

To get an overview of the Worldline Sips solution, we advise you to consult the following documents:

  • Functional presentation
  • Functionality set-up guide

The implementation of Sips Hosted Fields is an additionnal option of Sips Office mode.

To understand how start with Sips Office, please refer to the dedicated documentation.

Knowledge of the standards related to web programming languages used today, such as Java, PHP, or .Net, is necessary to develop a client that can connect to the Sips Hosted Fields gateway.

In addition, it is mandatory to have an in-depth knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript to develop the card details entry page.

Note: all code sections in this document are provided as samples, you will need to adapt them to your website for them to be fully operable.

Upon your subscription, Worldline provides a secret key on the Merchant Extranet that will allow you to secure exchanges between your website and the Worldline Sips server.

You are responsible for looking after this key and should take all measures to:

  • restrict access to the key
  • safeguard it by encrypting it
  • never copy it onto a non-secure disc or device
  • never send it (via e-mail or regular mail) in a non-secure method

A secret key compromised (and used by a malicious third party) might disrupt the regular operation of your shop and might in particular generate unauthorised sales or cash transactions (e.g. refunds).

IMPORTANT: in the event that a secret key is compromised, you are required to ask as quickly as possible for its revocation then for its renewal via the Merchant Extranet.

The very same secret key is used on the various Sips Paypage, Sips Office, Sips In-App and Sips Walletpage connectors.

IMPORTANT: a secret key is associated with a version. After getting a new secret key, you must modify your request and populate the keyVersion field with the new version, otherwise you will get an answer code 34 (suspected fraud).

This feature will allow you to reduce PCI constraints and thus be subject only to SAQ A impacts.


Client-side encryption is a JavaScript library integrated into your payment page. This library allows sensitive data to be managed through iFrames managed by Worldline Sips before the web form is submitted to your server.

The resultant encrypted data is then used to call the Sips Office card payment services for processing purposes.

The Sips Hosted Fields feature provides the following benefits:

  • You can keep on managing and hosting your payment pages while outsourcing the security requirements.
  • Customers are not required to be redirected to a page hosted by Worldline Sips (Sips Paypage).
  • PCI impacts are reduced because no sensitive data is conveyed in clear on your server.
IMPORTANT: When using the solution Sips Hosted Fields, the merchant has to generate the transactionReference himself. This is a point to be taken into account during your developments Sips Office.

The general principle of the payment process is as follows:

Diagram representing the payment process with the use of Hosted Fields.

1. Your server contacts the Worldline Sips server to initiate the iFrame management request.

2. The Worldline Sips server returns the URL of the client Javascript library to be integrated into the sensitive data entry page.

3. Your server generates the sensitive data entry page by generating one iFrame per sensitive data on the entry page. This iFrame uses the URL retrieved in step 2 to set up the sensitive data type (card number, security code, expiry date).

4. During payment validation, sensitive data is sent to the Worldline Sips server which returns a payment token.

5. Your server sends the payment token to the Worldline Sips server to handle the transaction.

When the paymentToken field is populated, the Sips Hosted Fields mode is available with Sips Office for the following functions:

  • cardOrder
  • walletOrder
  • cardCheckEnrollment
  • walletCheckEnrollment
  • creditHolder
  • addCard
  • panToToken
IMPORTANT: the implementation of Sips Hosted Fields is an additional option of the Sips Office mode.

To understand how to get started with Sips Office, please refer to the dedicated documentation.

You cannot use Sips Hosted Fields independently, it should always be used with Sips Office to make payments on your site.

In order to register your shop as live, you are required to complete the registration form sent by Worldline and send the form back to the latter.

When filling in the form, you must appoint an administrator contact and a technician contact so that Worldline can send you the information needed to launch your shop.

Worldline will then register your shop and e-mail you your merchant ID, together with your IDs and passwords for Merchant Extranet (to retrieve the secret key and perform cash management).

Note: For Merchant Extranet, the connexion information are sent to the administrator contact.

Registering the shop is not needed to start integrating the connector and testing the connection on the customer test environment. It is possible to defer requesting shop registration until you perform live operation tests.

IMPORTANT: the source code of the SDPX JavaScript library must not be installed on your server but must be retrieved for each transaction by calling the function detailed below and available on Sips Office.

The URL is: https://office-server.sips-services.com/rs-services/v2/authentication/hostedFieldsInitialize

The value of the interfaceVersion field must be set to AUT_WS_2.44.

The request is structured in accordance with the JSON format:

{“<field name>”: ”<value name>”, “<field name>”: “<value name>”, “field name”: “value Name” etc., “seal”: “seal value” }

Sample initialisation request:

{"customerIpAddress": "","InterfaceVersion version": "AUT_WS_2.44","merchantId": "012345678911111","keyVersion":"1","seal": "112a4b079ece08a0a55511cd5469fc47051d6ddb1404623170ba3873668e5c58" }

The syntax used to create a JSON list complies with the standard. Below is a structure summary for the two main list types: simple field lists (e.g. character strings) and object lists.

A very same field can have a list of values:

…,"field name" : ["value1","value2"],…

For example, when making payment requests with the paymentMeanBrandList field valued with VISA and MASTERCARD:

…,"paymentMeanBrandList": ["VISA","MASTERCARD"],…

The authentication request includes the settings to retrieve the SDK and is sent by your server. A hacker can theoretically intercept the request and modify its content before the data reaches the payment server.

As a result, it is necessary to strengthen security to ensure the integrity of parameters in the request sent. Worldline Sips meets this need by exchanging signatures to check:

  • the integrity of the request and response messages (and therefore the absence of changes during the exchange)
  • the authentication of the sender and the recipient because they share the same secret key
IMPORTANT: if your secret key is compromised, or if you suspect this might be the case, you should always log into Sips Download to request a new one.

The request is secured by calculating the hash value in line with the transaction parameters. Then, the secret key is added to it. All character strings are converted to UTF-8 before being hashed.

The hashing algorithm generates an irreversible result. When such a message is received, the recipient needs to recalculate the hash value and compare it with the one received. Any difference indicates that the data exchanged was falsified, or that the recipient and the issuer do not share the same secret key.

The result must be sent in hexadecimal format in the data element named Seal.

The value of the Seal data element is computed as follows:

  • Concatenation of data field values in the alphabetical order of field names (in accordance with ASCII character codes), without integrating the keyVersion and sealAlgorithm fields. Giving the field data, mentioned in the examples below.
    • as an example, a field that would be named authorMessageReference must be positioned before another field named authorisationId
  • Obtaining the UTF-8 encoding of the data from the previous result
  • HMAC with SHA256 encryption of bytes obtained with the secret key

This procedure can be summarised as follows:

HMAC-SHA256( UTF-8(sortedDataValues), UTF-8(secretKey))
Attention: by default, the seal is computed with the HMAC-SHA-256 algorithm, the use of which we strongly recommend.

For the seal to be computed with the SHA-256 algorithm, the input parameters of the request must include the sealAlgorithm field populated with the following value: “SHA-256”.

  • Sample Hmac Sha256 encoding in Php 5
    // Seal computation thanks to hash sorted data hash with merchant key
    $data_to_send= utf8_encode($data)
    $seal=hash_hmac('sha256', $data_to_send, $secretKey);

    data_to_send and secretKey must use a UTF-8 character set. Please refer to the utf8_encode function for the conversion of ISO-8859-1 characters in UTF-8.

  • Sample Hmac Sha256 encoding in Java
    import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
    import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
    import javax.crypto.Mac;
    import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
    public class ExampleHMACSHA256 {
     * table to convert a nibble to a hex char.
    static final char[] hexChar = {
       '0' , '1' , '2' , '3' ,
       '4' , '5' , '6' , '7' ,
       '8' , '9' , 'a' , 'b' ,
       'c' , 'd' , 'e' , 'f'};
     * Fast convert a byte array to a hex string
     * with possible leading zero.
     * @param b array of bytes to convert to string
     * @return hex representation, two chars per byte.
    public static String encodeHexString ( byte[] b )
       StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( b.length * 2 );
       for ( int i=0; i<b.length; i++ )
          // look up high nibble char
          sb.append( hexChar [( b[i] & 0xf0 ) >>> 4] );
          // look up low nibble char
          sb.append( hexChar [b[i] & 0x0f] );
       return sb.toString();
     * Computes the seal
     * @param Data the parameters to cipher
     * @param secretKey the secret key to append to the parameters 
     * @return hex representation of the seal, two chars per byte.
    public static String computeSeal(String data, String secretKey) throws Exception
      Mac hmacSHA256 = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
      SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256");
      return encodeHexString(hmacSHA256.doFinal(data.getBytes()));
     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    System.out.println (computeSeal("parameters", "key"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
  • Sample Hmac Sha256 encoding in .net

    (Carried out using a simple form called "Form1" containing two text fields to enter data and txtSecretKey, and another field to display lblHEX).

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Security.Cryptography;
    namespace ExampleDotNET
        public partial class Form1 : Form
            public Form1()
            private void cmdGO_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                String sChaine = data.Text;
                UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding();
                Byte[] encodedBytes = utf8.GetBytes(sChaine);
                byte[] shaResult;
                HMAC hmac = new HMAC.Create("HMACSHA256");
                var key = "YourSecretKey";
                hmac.Key = utf8.GetBytes(key); 
                shaResult = hmac.ComputeHash(encodedBytes);
                lblHEX.Text = ByteArrayToHEX(shaResult);
            private string ByteArrayToHEX(byte[] ba)
                StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2);
                foreach (byte b in ba)
                    hex.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);
                return hex.ToString();

Once you have set up your seal calculation, here is a sample request to help you verify that you find the correct seal:

  "interfaceVersion" : "AUT_WS_2.34",
  "keyVersion" : "1",
  "merchantId" : "011223344550000",
  "seal" : "e94ea7b4b99f52e28dee23327ef0a76b6fcd4e8f2a99b5deb243a8733d2ae647"

For the above request, the concatenated string you must obtain is:


With a HMAC-SHA-256 hash algorithm and the following secret key:


The expected seal is:


The fields are described on this page.

The Worldline Sips server checks each received field individually. The following list contains the error codes that can be returned during the verification step, as well as the solutions to be implemented.

ResponseCode Description
00 Normal situation followed by the normal process of calling the cardOrder function.
03 The merchantId or the acquirer contract is not correct.
12 The request parameters are incorrect. Check the request parameters (the error is specified in the errorFieldName field).
30 The request format is incorrect (the error is specified in the errorFieldName field).
34 Security issue: e.g. the calculated seal is incorrect.
40 You do not have the right to call this function.
99 Service temporarily unavailable.

There are 4 possible cases:

  • responseCode = 00

This case must be followed by the call to the Sips Office function allowing payment.

  • responseCode = 03, 12, 30, 34

These error codes indicate that the request has a issue that needs to be fixed. The authentication process should then be interrupted.

  • responseCode = 40

This error code indicates that you do not have the right to access this function. You need to get in touch with the technical support to get this right.

  • responseCode= 99

Authentication service availability issue. You need to try sending the request again.

Form flows are done with 3 steps:

  • retrieve SDPX library;
  • iframe initialisation with create method;
  • form validation with tokenize method.

Diagram describing flows with Hosted Fields

1- Validation of the basket 2- Sips Hosted Fields initialization 3- Retrieval of the URL of the Java Script library and a merchant token 4- Display of the payment page with the JS library and the merchant token 5- Initialization of iframes with merchant token (create) 6- Returning iframes with security token 7- Sending card data in iframes with the security token (tokenize) 8- Recovery of the payment token (paymentToken) 9- Submission of payment token

The first thing to do is to include the call to the SDPX JavaScript library in the head tag of your payment page. This URL and the name of the SDPX library were retrieved during the authentication function call in the sdkUrl field.

<script type="text/JavaScript" src="<LIBRARY_URL_AND_NAME>" id="sdpx-hostedfields-sdk"></script>
IMPORTANT: the id="sdpx-hostedfields-sdk" parameter is mandatory and should not be changed. It allows the SDPX library to perform certain initialisations steps.

The library URL and name must therefore be embedded using a variable in the above shown example.

IMPORTANT: for security reasons, the SDPX library should not be installed on your server but should be retrieved by the call to the function detailed in the previous step and available on Sips Office.

Also, we can change the SDPX Javascript library URL or name (or the contents of the library) at any time, therefore please do not assume that this URL and the name will remain unchanged over time.

SDPX Javascript library is not compatible with Internet Explorer browser. You can use it with browsers like Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Edge or based on Chromium browser.

IMPORTANT: you must declare the encoding of your payment page with a meta element containing the UTF-8 value.
          <meta charset="UTF-8">

Your payment page must include a form, the action attribute of which must point to your server to send the payment request to the Sips Office server.

You must specify where the Hosted Fields will be loaded by Sips Hosted Fields in this form.

      <form role="form" id="payment-form" action="<YOUR_URL_TO_PROCEED_WITH_THE_PAYMENT">
        <label for="cardNumber">CARD NUMBER</label>
        <div id="cardNumber"></div>
        <label for="expiryDate">EXPIRY DATE</label>
        <div id="expiryDate"></div>
        <label for="cvv">SECURITY CODE</label>
        <div id="cvv"></div>

For each div element, you can use the class attribute to customise the field for display.

In your form, the id declared for each field will be matched to its equivalent as a field selector when creating the Hosted Fields using our SDPX Javascript library (see the below section pertaining to the Hosted Fields setting up).

Depending on your needs, you may use only some Sips Hosted Fields specific fields. For instance, you may use only the security code if you issue a payment by Wallet. The field list is shown in the below table.

Field name Field selector
Card number CardNumber
Brand selection cardBrands
Security code csc
Expiry date expiryDate

If brand selection is on your form, it will be automatically populate by Sips Hosted Fields in relation with the digits you entered in the cardNumber field.

Brand selection is done when 7 digits are entered, with a maximum of 9 digits.

In their "Best Practices for Securing E-commerce" document, PCI states that the autocomplete functions should be disabled for fields containing sensitive data.

The various fields managed by Sips Hosted Fields thus include an attribute in the form of autocomplete='off'.

IMPORTANT: for most modern browsers, using autocomplete='off' will not prevent the browser from offering to automatically populate the information for a sensitive data entry form.

Tht next step is to specify the container in charge of creating and setting up the Hosted Fields, in Javascript.

This requires creating an object as in the below example (named hostedFieldsConfig), that includes the desired Hosted Fields setting.

      <script type="text/javascript">
        // Creating the Hosted Fields object
        var hostedFieldsConfig = {
            "merchantId: "<YOUR_MERCHANTID>",
            "merchantSessionToken": "<MERCHANTSESSIONTOKEN>",
            "style": {
                "input": {
                    "color": "#000000",
                    "font-family": "courier, monospace",
                    "font-size": "14px",
                "input::placeholder": {
                    "color": "#999999"
            "fields": {
                "cardNumber": {
                    "id": "cardNumber",
                    "placeholder": "0000 0000 0000 0000"
                "expiryDate": {
                    "id": "expiryDate",
                    "placeholder": "MM/YY"
                "csc": {
                    "id": "cvv",
                    "placeholder": "NNN"

This object includes the following options:

  • merchandId: your merchant ID used on Worldline Sips
  • merchantSessionToken: the merchantSessionToken retrieved during the authentication phase with Worldline Sips and the hostedFieldsInitialize function
  • style: specifies the CSS rules that apply to all elements
  • fields: specifies the fields available in the form

In the style section, you can specify the fields input, :valid, :invalid and ::placeholder (or input:valid, input:invalid and input::placeholder).

Also, you can define predefined styles for each field. The various styles allowed are color,font-family,font-size,font-style,font-variant,font-weight,text-decoration,caret-color,background-color.

In the fields section, the link between the field selector and the identifier must be defined in the input form for each field. For example, in the above shown code, the csc field selector is linked to the security code ID of your form.

In the fields section, for expiryDate field, you can specify if you want to control the expiration date, to know if it is higher than the current month. You need to use the keyword checkExpiredDate and populate it with "false" value.

      "expiryDate": {​​​​​​​​
         "id": "demoExpiryDate",
         "checkExpiredDate": "false",
         "placeholder": "MM/YY"

You can also specify the placeholder keyword for each field selector (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/::placeholder).

Note: only those fields that will be displayed on your page must be set up in the fields section.

The various fields specified in hostedFieldsConfig must then be loaded by calling the create function of the SDPX library.

    try {
        var hostedFieldsInstance = sdpx.hostedfields.create(hostedFieldsConfig);
      } catch (error) {
        // exception handling on field creation
        console.log("Error!"+error.code+" "+error.label+" "+error.level);

As in the example, it is mandatory to encapsulate the call with the try,catch keywords to be able to handle the error object returned only in case of an error.

This error object includes the following fields:

  • error.code includes the overall error code.
  • error.origin includes the origin of the error.
  • error.info includes the internationalised message associated with the error.

Please refer to the 'Handling errors generated by Hosted Fields' section for detailed codes and detailed error causes.

At this point, your web browser is supposed to display the sensitive data entry fields in their containers.

If you would like to have the error label in French (for instance), you need to add the language keyword with the desired language in the object handling the Hosted Fields configuration as shown in the below example.

     <script type="text/javascript">
       // creating the Hosted Fields object
       var hostedFieldsConfig = {
         "merchantId": "<YOUR_MERCHANTID>",
         "language": "fr",
         // other initialisation
IMPORTANT: all scripts specified in this section, as well as the payment form validation, must be inserted at the end of your form, to allow these scripts to be run after the overall page loading.

For each field, you can handle styles depending on the event type the field is involved in. The various styles are named sdpx-field-focus,sdpx-field-empty,sdpx-field-valid,sdpx-field-invalid.

Here is a sample code showing the definition of focus and invalid type styles.


      .sdpx-field-focus {
        border-color: #66afe9;
        outline: 0;
        -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.075),0 0 8px rgba(102,175,233,0.6);
        box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.075),0 0 8px rgba(102,175,233,0.6)
      .sdpx-field-invalid {
        border-color: #a94442;
        outline: 0;
        -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075),0 0 8px rgba(169, 68, 66, 0.6);
        box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075),0 0 8px rgba(169, 68, 66, 0.6);

The various styles available are:

Style Description
sdpx-field-focus When the current field becomes focused.
sdpx-field-empty When the current field loses focus and is empty.
sdpx-field-valid When the current field, during entry, validates the semantic rules in place.
sdpx-field-invalid When the current field, during entry, does not validate the semantic rules in place.
sdpx-field-ready When the current field is ready for entry.

For each field, you can handle the focus,blur,empty,valid,invalid,card-change events.

Here is some sample code using the name of the object created in the previous sections.

    hostedFieldsInstance.on('blur', function (data) {
        // Handle here the various cases for each field for the blur event.
        // Here is an example of what is displayed in the impacted field logging console
        console.log('Blur callback invoked with data: ' +  JSON.stringify(data));
Event Description
focus When the current field takes the focus.
blur When the current field loses focus.
empty When the current field takes or loses focus and is empty or becomes empty during entry.
valid When the current field, during entry, validates the semantic rules in place.
invalid When the current field, during entry, does not validate the semantic rules in place.
field-ready When a field is ready for entry.
all-fields-ready When all fields are ready for entry.
error-init-fields When the time to initialize all fields has been exceeded.
card-brand-selected When the user changes the card type in the context of brand selection (MIF European rules (OJ EU 2015/751 L123, 19/05/2015)).
card-brand-entry When the current entry allows to determine the available brand(s), be careful, the information returned at this event may include several data (VISA, CB for example).
error When an error occurs on the Sips Hosted Fields server and creation of documents or entry does not work.

The data (named event in the below example) includes:

  • For the focus, blur, empty, valid, invalid, field-ready events:
    • event.type includes the name of the event as specified above.
    • event.fieldId includes the id of the field concerned by the event.
    • When receiving an invalid event, a field event.data contains the following information :
      • An attribute named event.data.reason, which includes the error reason (see below).
      • An attribute named event.data.complementaryInformation, which, in the case of a length invalidity on card number or CVV fields, gives expected lengths :
        • For card number field, event.data.complementaryInformation.minLength and event.data.complementaryInformation.maxLength indicate minimum and maximum expected sizes respectively
        • For CVV field, event.data.complementaryInformation.length gives a sequence of numbers separated by commas, representing all expected lengths.
  • For the all-fields-ready event:
    • event.type includes all-fields-ready.
    • event.fieldId includes *.
  • For the card-brand-selected event:
    • event.type includes card-brand-selected.
    • event.fieldId includes cardBrands.
    • A field named event.data.selectedBrand includes the brand selected by the user ("CB" for example).
  • For the card-brand-entry event:
    • event.type includes card-brand-entry.
    • event.fieldId includes cardBrands.
    • A field named event.data.brands includes the brand(s) being entered, separated with "," ("CB,VISA" for example).
  • For the error event:
    • event.type includes error.
    • event.error includes the following data:
      • error.code includes the overall error code.
      • error.origin includes the cause of the error.
      • error.info includes the internationalised message associated with the error.

Regarding invalid event, you can have the following reasons in the field event.data.reason.

Reason Meaning
BAD_FORMAT Field content does not respect the format.
BAD_LUHN For card number field, luhn key is not valide.
NO_BRANDS Impossible to have the card brand.
YEAR_TOO_FAR For expiry date field, the year is too far (plus de 15 ans).
YEAR_TOO_OLD For expiry date field, the year is too old.
TOO_SHORT The field is too short.
TOO_LONG The field is too long.

For all other errors, please refer to the "Handling errors generated by Hosted Fields" section for detailed codes and detailed error causes.

The Sips Hosted Fields solution, as a payment acceptance solution, is subject to the MIF European regulation (OJ EU 2015/751 L123 of the 19th of May 2015). Among these rules, the "brand selection" requires you to offer the customer, holder of a cobadged card, the brand selection at the time of payment.

Handling brand selection is based on two transaction-level pieces of information:

  • the brand selected for the transaction processing: already existing paymentMeanBrand field
  • the brand selection method: already existing paymentMeanBrandSelectionStatus field

For PAN entering use case, this "brand selection" is automatically performed by Sips Hosted Fields, you do not have to worry about it.

The selection made will be retrieved through the cardOrder and cardCheckEnrollment functions, using the paymentToken field.

IMPORTANT: To be compliant with the MIF European regulation (OJ EU 2015/751 L123 of the 19th of May 2015), you must, on your side, display a message to the customer allowing him to know that the "brand selection" can be change by clicking on logos.

It can be done thanks to the event card-brand-entry of Sips Hosted Fields instance with the display or not of the message when the customer enters card numbers.

You define the message where you want to display it, but it needs to be hide by default. Here is a code example :

      <div id="brandMessage" style="display: none">
          Click on the desired logo to change the brand

Then, in the Javascript code of your page, for the desired Sips Hosted Fields instance, in order to manage the display of the message :

      hostedFieldsInstance.on('card-brand-entry', function (event) {
          if (event.data) {
              if (event.data.brands){
                  document.getElementById("brandMessage").style.display = "block";
              else {
                  document.getElementById("brandMessage").style.display = "none";

For payments with a card stored Worldline Sips wallet, the container in charge of creating and setting up the "brand selection" should include the cobranded list of the used card.

  • This list is retrieved from the field paymentMeanCoBadgingBrandList in the getWalletData response.
  • You have to set this list in the paymentMeanBrandCobadgedList field, from the cardBrands field selector, as in the below example.

Then, the user will be able to choose one of the listed brand, which will allow the brand selection. The selection made will be retrieved by the walletOrder and walletCheckEnrollment functions, using the paymentToken field.

          <script type="text/javascript">
            // Creating the Hosted Fields object
            var hostedFieldsConfig = {
                "merchantId: "<YOUR_MERCHANTID>",
                "merchantSessionToken": "<MERCHANTSESSIONTOKEN>",
                "style": {
                    "input": {
                        "color": "#000000",
                        "font-family": "courier, monospace",
                        "font-size": "14px",
                    "::placeholder": {
                        "color": "#999999"
                "fields": {
                    "cardBrands": {
                      "id": "mon-div-cardBrands",
    		          "paymentMeanBrandCobadgedList": "CB, VISA"
                    "csc": {
                        "id": "mon-div-cvv",
                        "placeholder": "123"

In every Sips Hosted Fields function, errors are returned in an error object from the event object below:

  • event.type includes error.
  • event.error includes the following data:
    • error.code includes the overall error code.
    • error.origin includes the origin of the error.
    • error.info includes the internationalised message associated with the error.

Here is the list of errors you may have to cope with in the various Hosted Fields functions:

Code Origin Meaning
BAD_FORMAT CSC CVV format error while tokenizing.
BAD_FORMAT CARD_NUMBER Card number format error while tokenizing.
BAD_FORMAT EXPIRY_DATE Expiry date format error while tokenizing.
BAD_CONTENT IFRAME_PARAM Missing/incorrect iFrame generation service input parameter.
BAD_CONTENT TOKENIZE_PARAM Missing/incorrect tokenization service input parameter.
BAD_CONTENT CARDINFO_PARAM Missing/incorrect brand management service input parameter.
BAD_CONTENT ACCESS_TOKEN Invalid merchantToken or securityToken.
BAD_CONTENT INIT_FRAMES Invalid control iFrame generation.
BAD_CONTENT INIT_FIELDS Invalid data field type Iframe generation.
BAD_CONTENT CONF_BAD_CSS Invalid CSS configuration sent.
TECHNICAL_ERROR IFRAME_ERR Technical error while generating iFrames.
TECHNICAL_ERROR TOKENIZE_ERR Technical error while managing the tokenize.
TECHNICAL_ERROR CARDINFO_ERR Technical error while calling the brand selection service.
TECHNICAL_ERROR INIT_URL_SDK Technical error while initialising the SDK URL.
TECHNICAL_ERROR CRT_FIELDS Technical error in the configuration of the fields sent.
INIT_FIELDS TIMEOUT Could not load the data field in the allotted time.
INIT_FIELDS NOT_HTTPS_SITE Your site is not using https.

Validation of the payment form is done by adding a functionality on the EventListener button to validate the form.

In this functionality, the tokenize function of the SDPX library must be called in order to retrieve the payment token.

Here is an example based on the previously defined form (called payment-form).

    document.getElementById("payment-form").addEventListener("submit", function (event) {
      event.preventDefault(); // so as not to allow the default behaviour of the button to be run
      try {
            function(success) {
                // Code to handle the error-free tokenize return
                // the success variable includes the paymentToken and the cardData object
                //  these values must be inserted in some hidden fields 
                //  of your form to be received by your server

                // The default behaviour of the form button is run
            function(error) {
              // Code to handle the tokenize return error (only the error)
              console.log(`Error!'+error.code+' '+error.label+' '+error.level);
      } catch (e) {
          // Code to handle the tokenize function exceptions


As shown in the example, it is mandatory to encapsulate the call with the try,catch keywords in order to handle exceptions on the call to the function.

At this time, your web browser has validated the payment form and your server will be able to make the payment via Sips Office if there is no error.


this part of the script, along with the initialisation of the Hosted Fields fields, must be inserted at the end of your form, in order to allow this form to run after the page is fully loaded.

It is also important to configure the default behaviour of the event.target.submit button if the tokenize function is successful by calling document.submit().

If successful, the tokenize function returns a payment token to be used when calling Sips Office, for instance such as with the cardOrder function.

This function also returns a cardData object which contains the masked PAN in cardData.maskedPan and the card expiry date in cardData.cardExpiryDate. These data can be used for your fraud engine befare calling payment functions.

In the above shown example, in the promised function, the payment token is returned in the success variable given as a parameter to the function.

The payment token is in the success.token object and also in success.paymentToken object.

Card information are in success.cardData object.

In case of errors, in the promised function, these errors are reported in an error object:

  • event.type includes error.
  • event.error includes the following data:
    • error.code includes the overall error code.
    • error.origin includes the cause of the error.
    • error.info includes the internationalised message associated with the error.

Please refer to the "Handling errors generated by Hosted Fields" section for detailed codes and detailed error causes.

Current browsers allow to display a tracing system in browsers when the developer tools are enabled.

The SDPX library allows you, during the debugging phase of your payment form, to enable traces in the console so as to view the various processes performed by the library.

You must add the logLevel keyword with the desired level in the object that handles the Hosted Fields configuration as shown in the below example.

      <script type="text/javascript">
        // Creating the Hosted Fields object
        var hostedFieldsConfig = {
          "merchantId": "<YOUR_MERCHANTID>",
          "logLevel": "debug",
          // other initialisation

By default, no traces are present in the browser console, so the keyword must be explicitly declared with the desired level.

There are four different levels of traces that have an ascending hierarchical order (the first one therefore includes the other levels):

  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error

As of today, the UI of developer tools in Google chrome has changed where we select the log level of log statements being shown in the console. There is a logging level drop-down beside Filter input box.

You may consult Google when site for information: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/console/reference/#level.


in order not to display anything in the browser console of future buyers on your site, it is mandatory to remove the logLevel keyword when your form is running and you are going to go live.

If not done, this information could be useful to a potential hacker to know how your site runs and compromise it.

By default, all the communications between your form and Sips Hosted Fields must be done in https.

The SDPX library allows you, during the debugging phase of your payment form, to deactivate https so as to avoid to install a certificate in your development environment.

You must add the mode keyword with the desired mode in the object that handles the Hosted Fields configuration as shown in the below example..

      <script type="text/javascript">
        // Creating the Hosted Fields object
        var hostedFieldsConfig = {
          "merchantId": "<VOTRE_MERCHANTID>",
          "mode": "development",
          // other initialisation

By default, https checking is active, so the keyword must be explicitly declared with the desired mode.

There is only one mode:

  • development

it is mandatory to remove the keyword when your form is running and you are going to go live because you need to do all calls to Sips Hosted Fields in secured mode.

If not done, this information could be useful to a potential to intercept the data of your site.

It is your form that must manage accessibility constraints to be WCAG/RG2A compliant.

However, in addition to the placeholder, it is now possible to put custom labels to iframe title as well as the “aria-label” of a field.

You need to add keywords title and caption in the object managing the Hosted Fields configuration as shown in the example below.

      <script type="text/javascript">
        // Hosted Fields object creation
          "fields": {
            "cardNumber": {
              "id": "demoCardNumber",
              "title": "Enter the card number",
              "caption": "Card number"
            "cardBrands": {
              "id": "demoCardBrands"
            // other initializations

These properties are optional. If they are not specified, they take the default values presented in the table below (only managed in French and English):

Language Field identifier Message
fr cardNumber-iframe-title Entrez le numéro de carte
fr cardNumber-field-caption Numéro de carte
fr cardBrands-iframe-title Marques de la carte
fr expiryDate-iframe-title Entrez la date d'expiration de la carte
fr expiryDate-field-caption Date d'expiration
fr csc-iframe-title Entrez le code de sécurité de la carte
fr csc-field-caption Code de sécurité
en cardNumber-iframe-title Enter the card number
en cardNumber-field-caption Card number
en cardBrands-iframe-title Card brands
en expiryDate-iframe-title Enter the expiry date of the card
en expiryDate-field-caption Expiry date
en csc-iframe-title Enter the card security code
en csc-field-caption Security code

The test and integration steps can be performed using the test environment.

The test environment URL is: https://office-server.test.sips-services.com

Name of the iFrames initialisation service /rs-services/v2/authentication/hostedFieldsInitialize
Merchant ID 201000194850001
Key version 1
Secret Key fZQcZA3XTLBhR4n9qtnIGqYun5UEtDzN4Pm6817MJF4

In the test environment, the authorisation process is simulated. This means there is no need to use real means of payment to perform tests.

You can use the following VISA card to simulate an accepted payment:

Test card See the "Test Cards" page
Security code 123
Validity date must be greater than the current month
Attention: the test webshop is configured in "transactionReference" mode, with no automatic generation of the transactionReference. Therefore, you must send the populated transactionReference field in your test requests.

Once your have tested your website connection to Sips Hosted Fields, you can validate the connection to the production version of Sips Hosted Fields.

Prior to this, we recommend you block public access to your website to prevent customers from carrying out transactions during this validation phase.

To switch to the production server, you must change the URL in order to connect to the Worldline Sips production server using the merchantId, secretKey and keyVersion credentials you received during the registration phase.

Worldline Sips URL https://office-server.sips-services.com
merchantId Webshop ID received by e-mail
SecretKey Secret key you can retrieve from the Sips Download extranet
KeyVersion Secret key version retrieved from Sips Download (obviously 1 for the first key)
Note: forgetting one of these 4 parameters is a common mistake that systematically results in a request refusal.

Once the validation for the transition to live operation has been carried out, make your site and/or application public so your customers can make purchases and payments.

On the same day:

  • Monitor acceptance rates (number of responseCode 00 / total number of transactions)
  • check the nature of non-banking declines:
    • Technical issue: responseCode 90, 97, 99
    • Fraud: responseCode 34
    • Max. number of payments attempts reached: ResponseCode75.

The next day:

  • Check that all transactions processed (accepted and declined) are in the Transactions report.
  • Check the operations you have carried out and remittances (report option) in the Operations report.

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