Release 23.6

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Release note 22.1

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  • Subscription payment via wallet
  • Paypal response code 90
  • IP addresses V6
  • MEX improvement

This release note gives you an overview of the functional content of the WL Sips 22R1 release.

It is separated in two parts:

  • new additions in the WL Sips Solution, where are listed the modifications of new functionalities added to our offer
  • regulatory changes

If you want to benefit of those new functionalities, please get in touch with your usual Sips contact if you are one of our client. Or, send us a message at the following email address: sips@worldline.com.

Deliveries in production: from Monday, January 17th until Friday, February 4th 2022.

New features of the WL Sips Solution for merchants

Sips Walletpage incompatible with subscription payment via wallet

As a reminder, Sips Walletpage allows the registration of a customer's payment data in a non-payment context.

In the context of payment by subscription, the use of this interface to enroll the subscriber's payment method in a wallet is to be prohibited in order to comply with the PSD2 regulation.

Indeed, the following rules must be respected:

  • the subscriber must be present for the first transaction of their subscription which will be considered as the CIT
  • the 3DSv2 authentication has to be done on the average amount of the subscription and therefore for an amount higher than 0€ during the enrolment of a subscriber
  • no chaining identifier (STI) is provided when using the Sips Walletpage interface, making MIT/CIT chaining impossible

Please refer to our Subscription payment via wallet guide for more details on this payment case.

Taking into account the code 90 refusals on Paypal

On Paypal transactions or operations (except in the case of cancellation), it sometimes happens that the requests fail because of a timeout (absence of response from Paypal within an allotted time) with the sending of a response code 90. In this case, the transaction/operation was refused on the WL Sips side while it could still be accepted on the Paypal side.

In order to avoid these problematic cases, we have modified the behavior of the timeout cases in the Paypal flow. Thus, when Sips receives a code 90 in response to a Paypal transaction/operation, it goes into a "to be confirmed" state (TO_CONFIRM_AUTHOR, TO_CONFIRM_CAPTURE, TO_CONFIRM_CREDIT).

A file processing is executed daily to check the status of these transactions/operations on the Paypal side and thus update these transactions to its final state.

1.1.3 Accepting and managing IP addresses (customerIpAddress) in version 6

When calling connectors, M2M or paypage webInit, you have the possibility to provide the IP address of your customer via the customerIpAddress field. Until now, the format of these IP addresses accepted on Sips is only the V4 format. However, the V6 format is gradually starting to be used, which may lead to rejections.

From 22R1 onwards, the V6 format will be accepted on Sips, in addition to the V4 format.

An IP address in V4 format is four integers (decimal format) separated by a dot: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

An IP address in V6 format is, in general (as several formats exist and all formats are supported), 8 groups of 2 bytes (I.E 16 bits per group, hexadecimal format) separated by the character ":": XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX. For more information on the IPv6 format, you can consult the website on this matter.

Please note that all V6 formats are accepted but IP addresses are stored on the WL Sips side in a standard V6 format.

For more information on the IPv6 format, you can contact the technical support.

Evolution of the Cetelem CPay means of payment refund rule

Following on from the previous release, the Cetelem Cpay means of payment has changed its refund rule: the "offline" refund mode has disappeared and only the "online" mode has been retained.

For more details on this payment method, please refer to the CPay integration guide.

Improvement of the user creation interface in Merchant Extranet (MEX)

When creating a new user in MEX, you have to specify which web shop the user will have access to. To make this this step easier, the web shop IDs (merchantId) are now displayed next to the web shop names.

MEX users creation interface screenshot

Regulatory changes

Evolution of the CUP by Floa Bank means of payment

The CUP by Floa Bank means of payment is evolving in order to adapt to 3DSv2. As CUP cards are Mastercard co-badged, 3DSv2 authentication will now be possible on the Mastercard network.

Corrective maintenance

Ref. Appli. Defect type Solution summary Priority
54883 ALL Functional Having the same business order for transactions settled in the context of payment in instalments. Important
54938 Hosted Fields Functional Fixing the compatibility issues due to cache when deploying the application. Blocking

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