Release 23.6

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Release note 21.4

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  • 3D response code
  • AMEX contracts
  • MOTO channel

This release note gives you an overview of the functional content of the WL Sips 21R4 release.

It is separated in two parts:

  • new additions in the WL Sips Solution, where are listed the modifications of new functionalities added to our offer
  • regulatory changes

If you want to benefit of those new functionalities, please get in touch with your usual Sips contact if you are one of our client. Or, send us a message at the following email address: sips@worldline.com.

Deliveries in production: from the 5th to the 23rd of July 2021.

New features of the WL Sips Solution for merchants

‘Travel’ data added to Sips Paypage

For the Oney 3X 4X (formerly Facilipay) and FLOA Bank 3X 4X (formerly Banque Casino) means of payment, Sips Paypage now features the option of transmitting travel and accommodation booking data in the payment request.

This data allows means of payment to get additional customer information so as to set the scoring and tackle fraud.

Examples: travel date, departure city, arrival city.

This additional data obviously complies with GDPR and is not stored on the Sips side.

Card brand selection (MIF) on Sips Wallet

On payments via Wallet (reuse of a previously registered co-branded card), the brand selection will now be offered, thus the ‘MIF’ will apply.

This selection will be made on enrollments in the Sips Wallet as part of OneClick and subscription (with or without payment context) and on the reuse of a means of payment from the Sips Wallet during a OneClick payment.

When reusing a means of payment from the Sips Wallet during a subscription payment, with the cardholder not being present, the brand selection will not be offered. However, if a brand was selected when enrolling in the Sips Wallet, this selection will be applied to the said payment.

Merchants managing or using the Sips Wallet via the Sips Office, Sips Office Batch and Sips In-App interfaces, as well as merchants using the Hosted Fields solution, will have to adapt their implementation to comply with the regulations on the brand selection.

Refining the response code for 3-D Secure payments

For 3-D Secure payments, in the event of a double call to the cardValidateAuthenticationAndOrder method, you will no longer receive a responseCode 99 (technical error) but a responseCode 24, dedicated to this issue.

Possibility of registering two American Express contracts on the same WL Sips webshop

To use different payment channels (orderChannel) for American Express transactions, you must sign several American Express acceptance contracts, one for each channel.

From 21R4 onwards, you will be able to register these contracts on the same WL Sips webshop and will therefore no longer need to manage several of them.

MOTO channel obsolescence

Following a request from the GIE CB, the MOTO channel (orderChannel field) is deprecated. You now must specify whether the order is made by email (MAIL_ORDER) or by phone (TELEPHONE_ORDER).

From this release onwards, if you populate the orderChannel field with MOTO, Sips will override with the MAIL_ORDER value.

It is therefore important to use the TELEPHONE_ORDER value and no longer MOTO if the order is taken by phone.

Modification of the VISA, VPAY, VISA ELECTRON and VISA DEBIT logos

In order to comply with the changes in the VISA brand, all logos associated with it will be updated.

With the release 21R4, this modification is done on the Paypages 2.0 (pages hosted on WL Sips servers).

In the next release, this change will be applied to all WL Sips applications and documentation concerned.

New logos:

Regulatory changes


WL Sips has been EMVCO 2.2 Visa and Mastercad approved. Specific features are under development. A communication will be made in a future release note.

American Express protocol developments

The 21R4 release includes several protocol evolutions on the AMEX means of payment. Once delivered and all migrations finalised, the implemented changes will allow:

  • to carry out the chaining of MIT / CIT transactions (for more information on how chaining works, please read the MIT/CIT chaining guide)
  • to make a request for information
  • to make a request for reconciliation

Corrective maintenance

Ref. Appli. Defect type Solution summary Priority
49704 Paypage Functional bug Revision of the ‘billingAddress.street’ field for the Franfinance 3X 4X means of payment to comply with the requested format (ANU38). Important
51923 Hosted Fields Configuration issue Revision of the ‘billingAddress.street’ field for the Franfinance 3X 4X means of payment to comply with the requested format (ANU38). Important
52560 Configuration issue Improvement of the response time of iDeal transactions. Critical
52714 Hosted Fields Fonctional defect Iframes are initialised once the page is fully loaded in order to optimise their download. Important

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