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Release note 22.3

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  • Evolution of the CACF payment pages
  • New design of the data dictionary
  • Reconciliation journals

This release note gives you an overview of the functional content of the WL Sips 22R3 release.

It is separated in two parts:

  • new additions in the WL Sips Solution, where are listed the modifications of new functionalities added to our offer
  • regulatory changes

If you want to benefit of those new functionalities, please get in touch with your usual Sips contact if you are one of our client. Or, send us a message at the following email address: sips@worldline.com.

Deliveries in production: from Monday, May 9th until Friday, May 27th 2022.

New features of the WL Sips Solution for merchants

Evolution of CACF payment pages

The design of CACF payment pages, on which the customer is redirected when paying with CACF, change.

Screenshot of the old design card information entry page

New design :

Screenshot of the new design card information entry page

Evolution of reconciliations report and chargebacks report

paymentMeanDataProvider data (name of data provider of the payment mean for ApplePay and SamsungPay) is added of reconciliations report (from 20_V12 version) and chargebacks report (from 20_V9 version).

Data dictionary: new design

The data dictionary has been redesign. Each data has a dedicated page with the following information :

  • Data name ;
  • Format ;
  • Définition ;
  • Possible value (optional) ;
  • Function in which the data is used (optional) ;
  • Containers containing this data (optional) ;
  • Data contained in this data (for containers only).

Screenshot of an example for the currencyCode data

You can see all the data on the data dictionary home page and retrieve them easily thanks to a dedicated search engine:

Screenshot of the data dictionary

The methods also have dedicated pages well adapted to developers (addition of format, field description and code example next to the request and response parameters) :

Screenshot of an example for the cardOrder method

Regulatory changes

3Dv2 supported on DCC payments

The 3-D Secure v2 is now supported for DCC payments (dynamic currency conversion) on WL Sips.

Corrective maintenance

Ref. Appli. Defect category Solution summary Priority
56731 Fraud Functional Correction on GUI access Fraud in some cases. Minor

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