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Release note 22.2

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  • Fraud rule
  • Changes to the BIN Visa and Mastercard
  • Payment facilitator

This release note gives you an overview of the functional content of the WL Sips 22R2 release.

It is separated in two parts:

  • new additions in the WL Sips Solution, where are listed the modifications of new functionalities added to our offer
  • regulatory changes

If you want to benefit of those new functionalities, please get in touch with your usual Sips contact if you are one of our client. Or, send us a message at the following email address: sips@worldline.com.

Deliveries in production: from Monday, March 21th until Friday, April 8th 2022.

New features of the WL Sips Solution for merchants

Adding a fraud rule allowing to filter prepaid cards

A new rule to fight against fraud is now available on Go-No-Go solution to filter prepaid cards.

MEX interface  screenshot with the option to prohibit prepaid cards

End of the ING means of payment

Following the departure of ING from France, this means of payment is no longer available since 30/11/2021.

As a consequence, the "ING PayButton" means of payment will no longer be offered on WL Sips.

Updating Visa, Visa Electron, Vpay and Amex logos

American Express, Visa, Visa Electron and Vpay logos have been updated on all WL Sips interfaces (SOE, Sips Paypage, etc):

Enhancing the diagnostic functionality

The diagnostic functionality allowing to see the transaction detailed status via the getTransactionData function of the Sips Office interfaces is enriched with the values of the following fields:

  • authentAmount (amount authenticated)
  • transactionInitiator (indicates whether the transaction was initiated by the cardholder (CIT) or by the merchant (MIT))
  • schemeTransactionIdentifier (Unique reference of the transaction calculated by the IAS (Issuer Authorisation Server) and returned in the authorisation response. This reference is used to chain an MIT to a CIT)
  • initialSchemeTransactionIdentifier (reference of the transaction used for the MIT-CIT chaining)

Improvements of the transaction display screen in SOE

In order to be more up to date on the information concerning transactions, and mainly to take into account the novelties linked to DSD2, the screen displaying transaction details has been revised.

The changes are as follows:

  • section dedicated to authentication details
  • description of all values with indication of the technical value in brackets

Payment via Visa and Mastercard: changes to the BIN and BIN ranges

From April 1st 2022, Visa and Mastercard will extend the BIN (Bank Identification Number) of their cards worldwide from 6 to 8 digits.

This extension will have no impact on your business if you do not use any fraud controls based on the BIN study regardless of the WL Sips platform in use (Sips 2.0 Paypages, Office, In-App).

The Mastercard network is taking advantage of this development to review the breakdown of its reference system by defining ranges on 11 digits.

For more details on what these changes entail, please see our press release available on our online documentation website (in French only).

Payment facilitators

As part of the CB2A 1.6 protocol, CB has made a distinction between "Marketplace" and "Payment Facilitator" in its March 2020 implementation guide.

The payment facilitator ensures the payments collection on behalf of its affiliate sellers from an acquirer and assume for them the repayment of their sales proceeds.

WL Sips is now able to register these payment facilitators in the merchant repository with a “Payment Facilitator” collection mode and to process the required SubMerchant fields because the payment facilitator has to send the data related to the affiliate seller for each new transaction to Sips.

This "Payment Facilitator" regulatory change requires updating the Sips Authorization and Remittance connection with your acquirer.

If you are concerned or would like more information on this regulation, we invite you to contact your WL Sips Account Support Manager.

Regulatory changes

GDPR : privacy protection

In order to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the different interfaces, namely SOE, MEX, GUI Fraud and Download, will display a link to a text related to security and privacy of personal data.

The Paypage and WalletPage interfaces are also affected but with a delayed release (awaiting the exact date).

Here is an example from the MEX interface:

MEX interface  screenshot with the Privacy protection tab

MPADS : removal of the authorisationId field in the response of certain transactions

A cash transaction that is not subject to an authorisation request has no authorisation identifier. Therefore, in order to comply with MPADS regulations, the authorisationId field is set to empty in the response on these cash transactions and no longer with the authorisationId of the original transaction (e.g. refund, validate, etc.).

Corrective maintenance

</tbody> </table>
Ref. Appli. Defect category Solution summary Priority
55580 Paypage Functional Correct the size of the pending payment message so that it is not truncated on the right. Important
56316 SOB Functional Return a responseCode 14 instead of a responseCode 99 for a WalletOrder payment via SOB with a difference between the brand specified by the merchant and the brand of the used card. Blocking
56485 CustomPage Environmental issue Allow again to upload any kind of files from CustomPage. Important
56668 SOE/M2M Functional Correct mode from IMMEDIATE to AUTHOR_CAPTURE on AMEX duplications. Important

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