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configuration via MEX

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This page explains how to configure the fraud rules of the Business Score solution via MEX

Click on the Fraud tab to get access to the antifraud profile management tool homepage.

MEX image showing the Fraud tab

image of the Fraud Tool homepage

Attention: if a message indicates access rights issues, contact the support team to have the fraud risk management option activated on your webshop.

You can select the language of your choice (EN, FR) in the top-right corner.

The top-hand part of this page contains the list of webshops you have access to.

You can extend this section to select another webshop by clicking on the show the shops list (top right corner) icon.

image showing a list of shops

Attention: when a shop is selected, this part is automatically collapsed.

A data entry field at the top of this area makes it possible to filter webshops using all or part of their names or ID.

Click on one of the webshops to select it and display its profiles.

The menu at the top of this part enables you to access the features for administering the profiles and lists of the selected webshop.

Tip: at various places in the interface, you will be able to click on info buttons that will give you access to detailed information about the elements located next to them.
Attention: rights management

The actions you can take depend on the role(s) assigned to your Merchant Extranet profile.


At several places of the interface, you may find tables the elements of which are shown across several pages when the content requires it. Buttons for navigating through the pages are then displayed.

image showing the navigation buttons

Multiple selection

When list elements can be selected, a checkbox in the header of the list enables you to select or deselect all of them with a single click, including those that may be on other pages.

image showing the checkbox in the list header

When multiple elements are selected, some buttons displayed at the bottom of the table make it possible to perform actions on the whole selection.

image showing these buttons

Click on Manage shop profiles in the menu bar to access this section.

The homepage of this section provides an overview of the webshop profiles in the form of a list.

image showing the list of profiles in the shop

If you have subscribed to the option to use the antifraud controls before the authentication, then a tab bar allows you to switch between the before authentication profile list and before authorisation profile list:

image showing this tab bar

The Live status column shows whether the profile is active or not.
red cross iconprofile is inactive green check iconprofile is active

The live status of a profile is inactive:

  • if the profile has never been published
  • if the profile has been deactivated manually
  • or if the profile has been automatically deactivated by the activation of another profile that conflicts with the associated means of payment.
Tip: active default profile

For the distributor's profile not to be used, it is preferable to always have an active default profile.

The Draft status column shows whether the profile is active or not:
Status Publication status
alt description is "never published since creation" The profile has been created but never published.
alt description is "Not modified since publication" The profile has been published and is used to evaluate transactions if it is active (see above).
alt description is "modified but not published yet" The profile has been modified since it was last published. It must be republished for the changes to be taken into account for transaction evaluation.
Important : this does not affect the functioning of the published version of the profile, which continues working the same way as before.
Attention: working version and published version

A profile consists of two entities: a working version and a published version.

The work version is one that you can modify and save as much as you like without any effects on the webshop transactions. It can be considered as a profile draft. When a new profile is created, it is actually a working version.

Once you are satisfied with the changes made to the working version, you can publish it to create the published version. This version of the profile is used to evaluate transactions.

A profile must therefore be both active and published in order to be applied. An active profile with a status "To be republished" status will not apply.

The Payment means column shows the means of payment associated with a profile.

Profiles can be customised for specific means of payment. This column summarises them.

The means of payment over a coloured background are those associated with the published version of the profile.

The means of payment over a grey background are those that are only present in the working version, and which are thus inactive for transaction evaluation.

In the following example, Mastercard and Visa are associated with the published profile and CB is only in the working version:

CB, Visa and Mastercard tags

You can click on the blue column header to sort the list according to the criterion.

Clicking on a profile of the list enables you to view and edit the details of its configuration.

scheme representing the profile life cycle

When a profile is created, its status is new. It changes to published status when it has been published. If it is modified, it changes to the status To be republished as long as it has not been published again. After creation, a profile is always in activated status. It can be deactivated at any time. It then changes back to deactivated and to be republished. It can be reactivated later. It will then have to be republished for it to be published and active again. You can also delete a profile regardless of its status.

Example of a profile life cycle:

image too complex to be described, please contact the support

Click on the
create profile

 button to create a new profile. The creation options are as follows:

  • Business Score profile

    If this option is authorised by the distributor, select Business Score profile in the list of the Create profile menu button. You will then access the page for creating a new profile.


  • Select Copy from previous to create a new profile from an existing profile on the webshop. A new window will pop-up, allowing you to choose the profile to be copied.

    image showing the list of profiles that can be copied

    Once you have chosen the profile to be copied, you will be taken to the profile creation page.


  • From a profile template

    As is the case when you copy an existing profile, a pop-up window will let you select a profile from a list of available standard profiles, which will be used as the basis for the new one.

You will then reach the profile creation page on where you can set the following elements:

image of the profile creation page

  • Profile name:

    The profile name must be unique for a given webshop and can consist of a maximum of 30 characters among the following: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ (underscore) and space.

  • Thresholds:

    You can configure the size of the red, orange and green areas using the two threshold cursors. Threshold values are displayed under these cursors.

    The latter’s colours act as a reminder of the colour of risk evaluation if the calculated score reaches the value of the threshold. In the example above, a score of -1 will give the green colour and a score of -2 the orange colour.

    The lower (min) and upper (max) bounds of the score are recalculated dynamically according to the changes made to the activation and weights of rules. For instance, activating a rule with a weight of -3 will adjust the value of the lower bound by -3. Activating a rule with a weight of +2 will adjust the value of the upper bound by +2.

    If a threshold value falls outside of the recalculated limits after a change has been made to the rules, this value is automatically adjusted to the closer bound, and an alert message is displayed: "please notice that the threshold have changed due to an activation or deactivation of several rules. Please make sure that the values still suit with your needs."

    For instance, if the orange threshold is set to -15, and the lower bound becomes -10 after a change has been made to the rules, the value of the orange threshold will automatically be adjusted to -10.

    Attention: verifying thresholds after rule changes

    When a rule is activated or deactivated, or when its importance is modified, the maximum and minimum values of the score change accordingly. Therefore, once changes have been made to the rules, it is necessary to review the thresholds that define the red, orange and green areas to adjust the proportions if need be.

  • Payment means:

    You can choose whether the profile must apply to one or more specific means of payment. Check the boxes of the required means of payment. The list of the available means of payment depends on the contracts that are active on the webshop and configured in the Merchant Extranet.

    Note: default profiles

    If the profile must apply to all means of payment, it is a default profile; therefore, there is no need to check anything.

    The fact that a means of payment of the list is greyed out and tagged

    indicates that it is already selected in another profile. You can still check it if you wish. It will then be removed from the other profile. A warning message is displayed to remind you of this when you check the means of payment:

    warning message when a payment mean is used in another profil

    This payment mean is already in use in another profile. Checking this payment mean will remove it from the other profile.
    Note: only one profile for a given means of payment

    Only one active profile can be associated with a given means of payment. The configuration interface guarantees this by automatically deleting the means of payment from the other profiles if there is a conflict with a newly edited profile. At the time of its publication, this profile will be fully associated with the means of payment concerned.

  • Count refused transactions in velocity rules

    Check this option to account for refused transactions in the counters (in addition to accepted transactions).

  • Parameters currency

    If an webshop has contracts that involve means of payment in multiple currencies, you can choose in the details of a rule the currency that is used to set amounts.

    Attention: all transactions can be evaluated by a profile, regardless of their respective currencies. Indeed, this parameter does not mean in any way that the profile only applies to the transactions whose amounts are given in the chosen currency.

    If the transaction uses a currency other than the one configured in the profile, currency conversion is performed.

  • Profile rules

    The Manage your rules section in the profile creation page enables you to choose the rules that must be applied as part of the profile. See 'Administering rules in profiles' for further details.

The profile is saved when the user clicks on the

 button. At this moment, the profile is not active yet. It will have to be published (see subsection 'Editing and publishing a profile').

 button maket it possible to cancel the creation of the profile and to go back to the webshop's profile list.

The profile editing page is almost identical to the creation page. In editing mode, the name of the profile cannot be modified.

  • Profile status

    A section on the right-hand side of the page provides details about the status of the profile:

    image showing profile status details

    This section includes the status (see the 'Profile list' section), the publication date and the settings currency. The modification date corresponds to the date on which the work version was saved for the last time.

  • Actions available in editing mode
    Action Description
    save button Saves the changes made to the working version. This operation does not publish the changes. For this purpose, you will have to use the "Publish" button.
    restore button Restore a profile the working version of which has been modified, in the state it was in the last time it was published.
    This action is only available if the profile has been published and has been modified ever since (its status is then "To be republished".).
    delete button Deletes an unpublished profile.
    This action can no longer be accessed from this page if the profile has been published. You will have to view the published version of the profile to delete it.
    publish button Publishes the working version of the profile, which is then in effect for transaction evaluation. The orange colour indicates that this action may have consequences on the webshop transactions.

    Click on the back button to be taken back to the profile list.

    Click on the view live version button to view the published version of the profile if need be.

From the profile editing page, you can view the published version using the
view live version


The following page will appear:

page summarizing the paramters set previously for the profile

This screen lets you view the details of the published profile and its rules.

  • Actions that can be performed on a published profile
    Action Description

    activate button

    Activate the inactive published profile.
    This profile will then be in effect for transaction evaluation.

    deactivate button

    Deactivates the inactive published profile.
    This profile will then no longer be in effect for transaction evaluation.

    delete button

    Deletes a published profile.

    The orange colour indicates that this action may have consequences on the webshop's future transactions.


     button takes you back to the working version of the profile.

To activate or deactivate a published profile, you must go to the page where you can view its published version:

  • choose the profile to activate or deactivate in the webshop's profile list
  • then click on the view live version button in the profile details
  • you will then have access to the active or deactivate button depending on the profile's activation status.

To activate an unpublished profile, you only need to publish it.

To delete a published profile, like for activation and deactivation, you must go to the page where you can view the published version of the profile (see the 'Activating/deactivating a profile' section).

You will then be able to delete it using the orange delete button.

To delete an unpublished profile, access its working version (see the 'Editing and publishing a profile' section) then click on the blue delete button.

Rules are grouped into categories. Click on the title of a category to expand it and view its rules.

image showing the rules of a category

red cross

 icon indicates that the rule is inactive for this profile and thus has no influence over transactions. Click on it to activate the rule.
green check

 icon indicates that the rule is active for this profile and will thus be used to evaluate transactions when the profile itself is published and active. Click on it to deactivate the rule.

 icon makes it possible to view the rule details.

A dropdown menu next to each rule makes it possible to specify its importance.

the choices are: neutral, low, medium, high importance or decisive

Some rules are configurable. Click on the
configure the rule (wrench)

 icon to display their details (see the next sections for further information about rule configuration).

A rule might not be activable, deactivable or configurable because of the distributor's choices or other constraints.

If the profile contains several decisive rules, you can specify the order in which they must be executed by clicking on the
arrow to the top and arrow to the bottom

 icon. The decisive rules you have activated will then appear in a pop-up window :

list of the rules you can order

You can use the 
arrow to the bottom

arrow to the top

 icons to reorder the list.

Some rules are related to a means of payment (ex: SDD) or a type of means of payment (ex: card). For instance, the card velocity can only be applied for payment card (CB, Visa, Mastercard) and the IBAN velocity can only be applied to a SDD payment.

When configuring the profile, the displayed rules are filtered according to the means of payment to which you subscribed. This means you will not be able to activate rules that depend on certain means of payment or types of means of payment if you have not subscribed to them.

When a rule only applies to a means of payment or to a type of means of payment, a label is displayed next to it:

payment mean label on the right of the rule name

image showing the list of countries allowed or prohibited by the rule

This section makes it possible to configure the list of countries that the rule authorises or prohibits. This list can be displayed across several pages. The Result field corresponds to the result of the rule for the concerned country.

The Status radio buttons make it possible to specify whether the list that follows is a list of authorised or prohibited countries.

The Card country field makes it possible to add a country to the list by manually entering its name into the field (autocompletion is possible).

The select the countries button displays a pop-up window that makes it possible to select one or more countries from a list.

image showing the list of available countries

When manual data entry is in progress, the list is filtered accordingly, which makes it possible to see whether the country being entered is already on the list:

illustrative image

activate advanced mode

button allows switching the rule to the advanced configuration mode. This mode gives the possibility to encourage or discourage countries involving respectively a positive or negative result.

image showing the rule in advanced configuration mode

You can export the list into a CSV file by clicking on the export list button. This creates a file which contains all the items of the list and is automatically downloaded via your browser.

For more details on the CSV file contents, please refer to the following section: 'Appendix list export file format'.

image showing the list of country pairs allowed or prohibited by the rule

This section makes it possible to configure the list of the country combinations that the rule authorises or prohibits. The Result field corresponds to the result of the rule for the concerned country.

The Status radio buttons make it possible to specify whether the list that follows is a list of authorised or prohibited country combinations.

The IP address country field makes it possible to manually enter the IP address country of the combination to add to the list.

If you wish to specify from the outset a list of IP address countries, click on the open country pop-up button: a popup window appears allowing you to select the desired countries. Once the list has been selected, the words Country list appear in the entry field.

The Card country field makes it possible to specify the card country of the combination to add to the list; it works in the same way as the IP address country field.

After entering the data either manually or through the pop-up window, click on the add button to add the selected country combinations to the list.

Alternatively, clicking on the add + reverse button makes it possible to add the combinations and their reverse orders to the list. For instance, for the IP address country = France and card country = Belgium combination, this button will add France/Belgium and Belgium/France to the combination list.

When manual data entry is in progress, the list is filtered accordingly, which makes it possible to see whether the combination being entered is already on the list. This list may appear on several pages.

The Activate advanced mode button allows switching the rule to the advanced configuration mode. This mode gives the possibility to encourage or discourage countries (involving respectively a positive or negative result).

image showing the rule in advanced configuration mode

You can export the list into a CSV file by clicking on the export list button. This creates a file which contains all the items of the list and is automatically downloaded via your browser.

For more details on the CSV file contents, please refer to the following section: 'Appendix list export file format'.

The configuration is done in the same way for many rules:

You would like to configure the following rule: Please refer to the settings of the following rule:
  • Delivery and card issuer country
  • Billing and card issuer country
  • Delivery and IBAN country
  • Phone number and IBAN country
  • IP address and IBAN country
  • Card issuing country
  • Billing and card issuing country
  • Delivery and card issuing country
  • IP address and card issuing country
IP and card issuer country
  • IP address country
  • IBAN country
Card issuer country
  • Delivery and billing country
This rule requires no specific configuration.
  • Delivery and billing postal code
This rule requires no specific configuration, but you cannot add it without (or position it before) the rule for checking the delivery and billing countries.

image showing the ruler on the card stock

The Period fields make it possible to specify the periods over which the number of transactions and the amount of transactions are added up for the card concerned. You can specify these times in hours, days or weeks using the hours buttons.

The Maximum number of transactions field makes it possible to specify the maximum number of transactions authorised over the period.

The Maximum cumulated amount field makes it possible to specify the maximum cumulative amount of the transactions over the period. The currency in which the cumulative amount is given is indicated in front of this field.

It is not mandatory to specify both a maximum cumulative amount and a maximum number of transactions. One of the two is enough.

Similarly, it is not mandatory to set the maximum number of transactions and the maximum cumulative amount. The setting of one of the two is enough.

image showing the rule on the number of customers per card

The Period field makes it possible to specify the period over which customers are counted for the card concerned. This time can be specified in hours, days or weeks using the hours button.

If the distributor's offering supports shared velocity, an icon on the right of the velocity rule name informs whether the velocity is shared with other webshops or is private:

image showing the stock rules

lsit icon

shows that the velocity is shared.

shows that the velocity is private.

Move the cursor over an icon to get more information:

hovering over the list icon. The message is "this stock is shared".

hovering over the cadena icon. The message is "this stock is private".

The configuration is done in the same way for many rules:

You would like to configure the following rule: Please refer to the settings of the following rule:
  • IP address velocity
  • Customer ID velocity
  • Mandate velocity
  • IBAN velocity
Card velocity
  • Number of cards per customer
  • Number of cards per IP address
  • Number of IBANs per IP address
  • Number of IP addresses per IBAN
  • Number of customers per IBAN
  • Number of IBANs per customer
  • Number of mandates per IP address
Number of customers per card

Screenshot of the settings screen for this rule

The IP addresses are divided into two columns. Authorised IP addresses are in the left-hand column and unauthorised IP addresses are in the right-hand column.

You can update the Non-allowed statuses list using:

  • click on add as non allowed button to add the selected element from the Allowed statuses list to the Non-allowed statuses list
  • or click on add as allowed to remove the selected element from the Non-allowed statuses list.

For further details about IP reputations please refer to the 'Appendix IP address reputations' section.

image showing the ruler on a range of amounts

The Minimum amount field makes it possible to specify the authorised minimum amount for a transaction. The currency in which the minimum amount is given is indicated in front of this field.

The Maximum amount field makes it possible to specify the authorised maximum amount for a transaction.

The Activate advanced mode field allows to switch the rule to the advanced configuration mode. This mode gives the possibility to encourage or discourage amount ranges involving respectively a positive or negative result. The result is neutral if the amount is not in one of both ranges.

image showing the rule in advanced configuration mode

image showing the rule on prohibited email addresses

The Domain name field allows typing a web domain name to add it to the forbidden web domain name list.

In the example above, hotmail.com is added to the list, which means that the E-mail addresses ending by @hotmail.com will be forbidden.

It’s possible to use an asterisk for the last part of the domain name to take into account all the possibilities. For example, adding hotmail.* to the list will refuse all the addresses ending by @hotmail.com, @hotmail.fr, @hotmail.be, etc.

Screenshot of the settings screen for this rule

The 3-D Secure status are divided in two columns. The allowed statuses are on the left one and the non-allowed status on right one.

The Non-allowed status list is updated in the same manner as for the IP address reputation list.

This list only shows the 3-D Secure statuses that risk evaluation functions can filter. Notably, the CANCEL or BYPASS statuses are not on it. The distributor may impose 3-D Secure status acceptance rules upstream of fraud risk management checks. Therefore, some transactions having certain statuses of this list might be interrupted even before a fraud risk management check can be performed. For further details about 3-D Secure statuses, please refer to the holderAuthentStatus field in the data dictionary.

The Activate advanced mode button allows to switch the rule to the advanced configuration mode. This mode gives the possibility to encourage or discourage 3-D Secure status involving respectively a positive or negative result. It is possible to have a neutral result if the status is in the Allowed status list.

advanced mode screenshot. The discouraged status are in a third column

image showing the field period to be specified

The Period field makes it possible to specify the number of months before the card expires and below which the transaction will be refused.

The configuration is done in the same way for many rules:

You would like to configure the following rule: Please refer to the settings of the following rule:
  • Commercial card (and card issuer country)
  • Commercial card (and card issuing country)
Card issuer country
However, please keep in mind that the Commercial card (and card country) rule is not eligible for the advanced configuration mode.
  • Lost and stolen cards (CB scheme cards)
  • Virtual card
  • Systematic authorisation card
  • CB scheme card
  • E-mail address syntax
These rules require no specific configuration.

List rules require no specific configuration.

However, activating a list rule in a profile is not sufficient; you must also manage the list itself. To do so, three options exist:

  • adding elements in the list using Sips Office Batch  or
  • adding elements in the list using Sips Office SOAP or JSON  or
  • using the Lists feeding tab.

Note: the options using Sips Office SOAP, Sips Office JSON or Sips Office Batch are described in their respective user guides. This guide only exlpains the option using the fraud risk management interface.

Follow the procedure below to populate lists using the Merchant Extranet:

Click on the Lists feeding tab.

image showing the list feed screen

By accessing this section you gain access to the lists at your disposal: they vary according to the offer you have subscribed to. Please consult the list of rules for a complete list of existing list rules.

After choosing the relevant tab, you can choose to manage the greylist, blacklist or whitelist by clicking on the corresponding arrow on the right-hand side.:

image showing the deployment of the blacklist

When editing a list, you can:

  • add a value to the list and specify a reason for the addition
  • delete an entry from the list
  • or move an entry from a greylist to a blacklist

You must enter the value you want to add to a list into the appropriate data field.

image showing the data field to be entered

A click on the add to list button displays a contextual window that makes it possible to select a reason for adding the value.

The management of card numbers on blacklists, greylists or whitelists is different from the management of other lists.

You can add a card number:

  • using the transaction reference linked to the card number
  • using the card number
  • using the card's token

After selecting the entry mode using a combobox, you will be able to enter a token, a card number or a transaction reference on the screen.

image showing the addition of a card

Adding card numbers by transaction reference can be done by using either transaction references (Worldline Sips 2.0 primary key) or transaction identifiers and dates (Worldline Sips 1.0 primary key).

Adding card numbers by token can only be done if you have the "Merchant Token" option.

Having clicked on the add button, select the reason in the popup window then click on OK, and the item will be added to the list.

image showing the list of patterns

Adding a reason may prove handy later (for example to add a given customer ID to a whitelist). The reasons can be chosen from predefined sets that suit each type of list. But you may also decide to keep the "Not specified" default version.

The reasons are displayed next to the items:

image showing the patterns displayed next to the elements

They are identical for greylists and blacklists. Here is a summary of these reasons:

List type Reasons for whitelists Reasons for blacklists and greylists
E-mail addresses
Trusted e-mail address
B2B customer
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
General suspicion
Unknown e-mail address
Failed debit
Multiple payment attempts
IP addresses
B2B customer
Trusted IP address
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
General suspicion
Unknown IP address
Failed debit
Multiple payment attempts
Postal codes
Positive experience
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
Unknown postal code
General suspicion
Customer IDs
B2B customer
Trusted customer ID
Is part of a special action
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
General suspicion
Failed debit
Multiple payment attempts
B2B customer
Trusted name
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
General suspicion
Failed debit
Multiple payment attempts
Card numbers
B2B customer
Trusted card
Travel key card
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
Lost card
Stolen card
Unknown card
Prohibited card
Failed debit
Multiple payment attempts
Phone numbers
B2B customer
Trusted phone number
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
General suspicion
Unknown phone number
Failed debit
Multiple payment attempts
BIN ranges
Trusted BIN range
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
General suspicion
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
General suspicion
B2B customer
Trusted IBAN
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
General suspicion
Failed debit
Multiple payment attempts
B2B customer
Trusted mandate ID
Fraud suspicion
Negative experience
Is on an external blacklist
General suspicion
Failed debit
Multiple payment attempts

You can export a list into a CSV file by clicking on the  button. This creates a file which contains all the items of the list and is automatically downloaded by your browser.

For more details on the CSV file contents, please refer to ''Appendix list export file format''.

It is also possible to delete items from the list, e.g. if they are not valid any more or were added by mistake:

  • select one or more values to delete from the list by checking the boxes next to the appropriate items
  • then click on the Delete selected entries button.

To avoid deleting an item by mistake, you must click on Confirm in the confirmation window.

Every greylist offers the possibility to move a selected entry to the appropriate blacklist e.g. if the severity of a case increases. This spares you the effort to delete an appropriate entry from the greylist and to re-enter it on the blacklist. The procedure is as follows:

  • select one or more values to move from the greylist to the appropriate blacklist by checking the boxes next to the required items
  • then move them using the Move selected item to the blacklist button.

To avoid deleting an item by mistake, you must click on Yes in the confirmation window.

Attention: a value can only be on one list. For instance, the same item cannot be added to a greylist and a blacklist.

If the distributor's offering supports shared lists then a webshop can share a list with other webshops belonging to the same commercial group. It is still possible to have a private list used by only one webshop.

  • Configuring the profiles

When you configure a profile, icons to the right of the rule names tell you if the list is shared with other webshops or if it is private:

image showing these icons to the right of the rule names

the shared icon indicates that the list is shared.

the private icon indicates that the list is private.

Move your cursor above an icon to get additional information:

hovering over the list icon. The message is "this list is private" hovering over the list icon. The message is "this list is shared"
  • The lists themselves

A webshop can share its elements with other webshops belonging to the same commercial group. It is still possible to have a private list only used by one webshop.

You can check, above the form used to add a new item to the list, if a list is private or shared:

the sentence this list is shared or this list is private is displayed

When the selected webshop shares a list, the list management is the same as explained in the previous sections of this chapter. The only difference is that a webshop can only remove an item it has added itself before. It is not possible to delete an item added by another webshop.

The webshop that has added the element in the Shop ID column. This column is visible only if the list is shared:

image showing the shop ID column

A system of “lock” allows many webshops to add the same item in the list. Each webshop adding an item adds a lock on this item. If at least one lock exists on this item, it is in the list. The item is considered to be out of the list when each lock on the same item is removed by the webshops that have added them.

When a white, grey or black list becomes too large, the list items displayed in the interface are limited to the first 600 items found.

In this case, an warning message is displayed above the list and a search feature is activated to allow you to find items in the list that are not displayed in the interface:

image showing the alert message and search functionality

If you select Add item, the form allows you to add new items to the list (please refer to the 'Adding a value to a list' and 'Adding a value to the card numbers list' sections).

If you select Search item(s), the form allows searching using a given value (specific search) or using a partial one (filter). When clicking on the search button, the list is refreshed according to the result of the search:

image showing the alert message and search functionality

After one or several successive searches, the erase button allows restoring the list to its initial state, displaying the first 600 items.

Risky product lists are managed from the list feeding and Risky product lists tab.

image showing the tab

You are taken to the risky product list management page:

image of the administration page for lists of products at risk

This page includes all the risky product lists already created.

Click on the edit icon to edit a list or on the delete icon to delete it.

Click on create risky product list to create a new risky product list.

After clicking on this button, you have two options:

  • Create a new list

image showing the list name input field

Enter the name of the new list then click on OK.


  • Use a shared list

image showing the drop-down menu for the shared list to be used

To use a shared list, just choose the list you want from the drop-down menu.

The lists chosen and/or created will then be visible on the risky product management page, where each list can be edited, as well as the profile configuration page, so that you can select them.

3 options are available: export the list, import the list or add product to the list

The list can be exported in Excel (.CSV) format by clicking on the  button. The generated file contains all the products of the list and is automatically downloaded by your browser.

Lists can also be imported (in .CSV format) using the  button. Once the import has been completed, the list contains all of the products included in the imported file. The items previously in the list and not in the imported file are deleted.

For more details on the CSV file contents, please refer to 'Appendix list export file format'.

You can manually add a product to a list, using the add product button.

To add a product to a list, you must complete three fields:

  • product code
  • product label
  • validity date

image showing the 3 fields to be entered to create a product

IMPORTANT: the product code is the information used to find products in the basket. It is therefore very important to have concordance of codes between the product lists and the baskets of transactions.

Once these fields have been completed and validated, the product is added directly to the list of risky products.

Click on the modify icon to update a product, or on the delete icon to delete it.

This section enables the risky product list being used to be configured. The various lists shown in this section were created previously from the List feeding -> Risky product lists tab.

Tick the risky product lists you wish to use. Several lists can be used at the same time.

image showing the lists of products at risk that can be selected

the shared list icon indicates that the list is shared.

the private list icon indicates that the list is private.

You can set the maximum quantity of products in a basket by manually entering the desired quantity in the field below:

max quantity per product field

The various lists shown in this section were created previously from the Lists feeding -> Risky product lists tab.

Tick the lists to be used. Several lists can be used at the same time.

For each product list, you can define the maximum quantity per product and the maximum quantity of all products by manually entering these quantities in the two numeric fields displayed under each list:

This rule is configured in the same way as the 'Risky product quantity' rule, with the exception of values entered as ratios and not quantities.

The management page for shared risky product lists is as follows:

shared risky product lists tab under th shared features tab

It contains the same functionalities as those presented in the 'Managing risky product lists' section: you can then use the lists created from this page by going to the risky product list management page.

A log of the modifications made through the interface is displayed in the History tab.

This section lists all the changes on your profiles and also the ones having an impact on your fraud configuration: publication of a template profile or the association to a shared group/list. Changes on the webshop’s lists (e-mail lists, name lists, etc.) are not logged.

screenshot of the history of actions

for each modification, we give a date, a user, the type of action and the level at which the action is performed (webshop or company)

When you arrive on the modifications page, the table is not filtered and contains all the changes related to the webshop, from the most recent to the oldest.

On the top of the page, different criteria are displayed to filter the modification logs: a minimum date, a maximum date, a user name or a log type (merchant profile, template profile or association).

After clicking on the filter button, the application reloads the table with the filtered data.

Each line in the table shows the date on which the action was performed, the user who performed the action, the modified entity and a brief description of the action.

Click on the compare icon to compare the object state before and after the modification.

After clicking on the

 icon, a popup displays, showing a comparison between the profile before and after the changes. By default, only the modifications are displayed, but it is possible to show the unchanged values also by clicking the Show unchanged values (entire profile details) checkbox.

The comparison is made up of three parts:

  • general information about the profile: name, means of payment, currency
  • list of decisive rules
  • list of informative rules

Modification on a rule

A colour code is used for rule modification:

Colour Meaning
The rule name is in red and is preceded by the

The rule was removed from the profile.
The rule name is in green and is preceded by the

The rule was added to the profile.
The rule name is in orange and is preceded by the

The rule was moved in the profile, which means its mode has changed (from decisive to informative and vice versa) or that it is decisive and its execution rank has changed.
The rule name is in black. The rule content has changed.
The rule name is in grey. The rule has not changed (only visible when the proper checkbox is ticked).

For example:

Rule name and colour Meaning

The rule was not changed.

The rule was added in third position in the execution order.

The rule mode has changed from decisive to informative.

The rule has moved in the execution order from 2nd position to 1st position.

The rule mode has changed from decisive to informative with an execution order of 2.

The rule was removed.

The rule was not moved but its settings were changed.

Modification on a value

Colour codes are also applied on value modification:

Value Meaning
Value in green. New value.
Value in red and strikethrough text. Former value.
Value in black. Value unchanged.

In the case of a modification, the former value in red strikethrough text is followed by the new value in green.

After clicking on the  icon, a popup displays, showing the changes between the new group/list to which the eShop belongs and the former. So you will see the former in red strikethrough text and the new group in green :

picture showing the comparison between the old and the new group

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