Release 23.6

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Release note 20.4

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  • Apple Pay
  • Pay By Bank
  • Reports

This release note gives you a of the functional content of the WL Sips 20R4 release.

It is separated in two parts:

  • new additions in the Sips Solution : are listed the modifications of new functionalities added to our offer;
  • regulatory changes

If you want to benefit of those new functionalities, please get in touch with your usual Sips contact if you are one of our client. Or, send us a message at the following email address: sips@worldline.com.

Deliveries in production : from the 22nd of June until the 10th of July 2020.

New functionalities of the Sips solution for merchants

SDD remittance information included in the overdue chargebacks report

If you offer your customers payment by SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) via the acquirer Société Générale and if you receive the chargebacks report, the report will be from 20R4 populated with the SDD remittance identifier in the “pbaRemittanceNumber” field.

Please contact your acquirer and your usual WL Sips representative if you wish to set up the receiving of the chargebacks report.

Reconciliations and chargebacks reports enrichment

We now have the option on the WL Sips side to include the following prepaid means of payment with CB supplement in the reconciliations and chargebacks reports:

  • Chèques Vacances Connect
  • Illicado
  • Le Pot Commun
  • Spirit of Cadeau
  • Cadocarte
  • CACF 3X 4X sans frais
  • Conecs
  • Lydia

To benefit from this new information, you must first request it from the issuer of the means of payment and then contact your usual WL Sips representative.

Improvement of the payment process during a new attempt

In order to improve the customer experience, if a payment attempt (via the pages hosted by Worldline) returned an acquirer code 03 (invalid acceptor) then the means of payment attached to the same acquirer contract will not be offered during the new payment attempt (if the “payment retry” option is activated on your webshop).

Example: if you offer the CB, VISA, Mastercard, Paylib and AMEX means of payment on your shop, in the event of a new attempt following an acquirer code 03 on a first CB payment, only the AMEX means of payment will be offered to your customer during the new payment attempt.

New means of payment : Pay By Bank

The new DSP2 European standard makes payment by instant bank transfer possible, from a customer’s account to a merchant’s account (if supported by your bank and your customer’s bank) in the SEPA zone.

This is exactly what the new Pay By Bank means of payment, now available in our solution, allows for.

Thus a customer wishing to pay via this means of payment will be authenticated directly on their online bank and validate their payment.

Apple Pay Acceptance

WL Sips gives you the possibility to accept Apple Pay transactions via Sips Office, if this means of payment is available from your acquirer.

Apple Pay allows holders of Apple products to enroll their cards in their Apple wallet and to benefit from the payment facilities offered (bypass of the card authorisation limit, prompts payments, etc.). Each transaction is subject to strong authentication.

Acceptance of this means of payment via Sips Paypage and Sips In-App will be available later.

Evolution of fraud velocity checks

Two evolutions appear on our Business Score and Go-No-Go offers:

  • an option in the setting of the velocity rule will be added to propose taking into account the refused transactions on the counters (in addition to the accepted transactions)

  • on the card velocity rule, it will be possible to manage the maximum amount authorised and the maximum number of authorised transactions over separate periods. Example: authorise a maximum amount of 100 euros over a period of 7 days and a maximum number of 10 transactions over a period of 14 days.

Below the visual rendering of the WL Sips anti-fraud profile management tool (via MEX, the WL Sips Merchant Extranet):

Screenshot of MEX page with new options

“Cancellation” and “validation” operations available on the Conecs means of payment

Validation and cancellation operations are now available for the Conecs means of payment. This will give you the following possibilities:

  • cancel a transaction since cash or credit card refund for a purchase paid by restaurant voucher is forbidden

  • authorise deferred payment and shipping

This means of payment therefore becomes available in AUTHOR_CAPTURE mode and in VALIDATION mode.

Total or partial validations as well as total or partial cancellations are possible.

CVV encryption via Office CSE

CVV re-entry encryption is now available. It allows you to make payments via the wallet securely when using our client-side encryption solution (Office CSE).

Regulatory changes

No regulatory changes with this release.

Corrective Maintenance

Ref. Appli. Defect type Solution summary Priority
45111 Paypage / Office Functional bug Correction of the data displayed in SOE concerning the duplicated transactions in the context of the so-called extended duplication. Important
46029 Back Office Functional bug To not send a transaction for settlement when the Liability Shift status is changed during the authorisation request (goes from 'Yes' to 'No' due to a 3-D Secure downgrade performed by the acquirer) and in case the merchant webshop is set up with the option to accept only guaranteed transactions. Important
46407 Paypage / Office Functional bug To not send a transaction for settlement when the Liability Shift status is changed during the authorisation request (goes from 'Yes' to 'No' due to a 3-D Secure downgrade performed by the acquirer) and in case the merchant webshop is set up with the option to accept only guaranteed transactions. Important
46911 Paypage Regression Correction in the calculation of the settlement limit date for Sepa Direct Debits. Critical

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