Release 23.6

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Release note 20.1

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  • Conecs
  • Oney 3X 4X
  • 3-D Secure v2

This release note gives you a functional content of the WL Sips 20R1 release.

It is separated in two parts:

  • new additions in the Sips Solution : are listed the modifications of new functionalities added to our offer;
  • regulatory changes

If you want to benefit of those new functionalities, please get in touch with your usual Sips contact if you are one of our client. Or, send us a message at the following email address: sips@worldline.com.

Deliveries in production : from the 13th until the 31st of January 2020.

New functionalities of the Sips solution for merchants

New payment attempt in case of “Soft Decline”

In order to promote a better conversion rate, when you receive a “Soft Decline” response code (acquirerResponseCode = A1) while you have dynamically bypassed 3-D Secure (fraudData.bypass3DS = ALL or MERCHANTWALLET), we will automatically perform a new payment attempt in 3-D Secure mode. The user will then be redirected to the ACS of their bank in order to authenticate.

Acceptance of the Conecs card

Conecs is a dematerialised restaurant voucher solution (in the form of a card) issued by the four major French restaurant voucher issuers: Sodexo Pass France, Groupe Up (formerly Chèque Déjeuner Group), Edenred and Natixis Intertitres.

Its use is limited to €19 per day. In order to cover the total amount of the transaction if it exceeds €19, the customer can complete the payment with their standard debit card.

New Oney 3X 4X means of payment

Oney offers Oney 3X 4X, an online credit solution with a payment in 3 or 4 times by credit card.

As part of the security, modernisation and development of this means of payment, Oney offers its customers a new solution in Web service that best respects the current standards called PEPS (Secure Payment E-commerce Platform). A dedicated integration guide is available on our online documentation website.

If you already offer the Oney Facilipay means of payment, a migration to the new platform has to be considered (as the current solution will close soon).

Online documentation

Payment pages demonstration

A demonstration tab has been added to WL Sips documentation website. It allows you to simulate a payment on Paypage.

The following simulations are available :

  • Means of payment : CB, Visa, Mastercard and Paypal;
  • Modes of payment : Oneclick and 3 times payment.

Other functionnalities and cinematics will later be added.

Screenshot of the demonstration page

Regulatory changes

Natixis accreditation

As part of the addition of features and regulatory changes, the GIE Credit Card has proposed a new version of the CB2A protocol: the 1.5.0 version (April 2018). This version allows, among other things, to convey specific additional information for:

  • the choice of brand (MIF)
  • strong 3D-Secure v2 authentication (perimeter restricted to available fields)
  • the request for information

Starting in February 2020 and if your acquirer is Natixis, you will have the opportunity to apply these new features on request.

3-D Secure v2 MasterCard and VISA Certifications

The 3DS Server WL Sips module has been certified EMV 3-D Secure version 2.1.0 by MasterCard and by VISA. WL Sips will be able to accept 3-D Secure v2 flows for MasterCard and VISA cards.

Corrective maintenance

Ref. Appli. Defect type Solution summary Priority
40082 Paypage Functional Disabling the cancel button on any browser after the validation of payment by the user so that he cannot click on "cancel" after validating his payment. Major
41753 Custompage Functional To make the file encoding checker more flexible in order to accept most UTF-8 files. Minor
42683 Paypage Functional Taking microseconds into account at the time of the transaction in the database. Major

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