Release 24.2

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Multi-year plan

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Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005 for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people makes it mandatory for any online public communication service to be accessible to all.

Accessibility policy

Digital accessibility is at the heart of the concerns related to the development or provision of websites or applications to both the public and internal staff at Worldline.

This desire is illustrated by the development of this multi-year digital accessibility plan.

The development, monitoring and updating of this multi-year plan is the responsibility of the Worldline Sips documentation site management team. Its mission is to maintain and develop the documentation site while ensuring compliance with Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005. The means put in place are described in this document.

Writers training

The people who have to modify the documentation on the site are trained in accessibility through training and the provision of internal documentation.

Control and validation process

The Worldline Sips documentation site is updated with each release of the Worldline Sips product (approximately 6 times per year). The site management team monitors and reviews all changes made and ensures that they are in compliance with the RGAA.

Consideration of digital accessibility in projects

During site improvement projects, the site management team is accompanied by a team of web designers trained in accessibility to ensure that amended or new pages comply with the RGAA.

Processing of user returns

In accordance with the provisions of the RGAA and the legitimate expectations of users, a means of contact has been set up to enable users with disabilities to report their difficulties (contact email address).

Requests will be handled by the site management team.

Planned agenda of interventions

Following the audit carried out in April 2022, a date has been associated to each non-conformity on the audit grid. Corrections will be made during the year 2022 (except for non-conforming content that is exempted because an alternative solution is proposed).

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