Release 25.1

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Oney Paylater

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Worldline Sips is a secure multi-channel e-commerce payment solution that complies with the PCI DSS standard. It allows you to accept and manage payment transactions by taking into account business rules related to your activity (payment upon shipping, deferred payment, recurring payment, payment in instalments, etc.).

The purpose of this document is to explain Oney Paylater mean of payment integration into Worldline Sips.

This document is intended to help you implement Oney Paylater mean of payment on your e-commerce site.

It includes:

  • functional information for you
  • implementation instructions for your technical team

To get an overview of the Worldline Sips solution, we advise you to consult the following documents:

  • Functional presentation
  • Functionality set-up guide

Oney Bank is a French financial institution that offers consumer credit and payment solutions.

Oney offers an online credit solution with one-time payment in 30 days called Oney Paylater

Payment channels
Internet V Default payment channel
Fax X
Means of payment
Immediate payment V
End-of-day payment V
Deferred payment X Forced to the immediate payment.
Payment upon shipping V Forced to 30 days max.
Payment en plusieurs fois X
Payment par abonnement X
Batch payment X
Payment OneClick X

Oney Paylater is a payment solution that offers client 30 days to pay the order.

  • In order to use Oney Paylater, it is required to send the payment request with (settlementMode) the commercial code for Oney's offer.

    Make contact with Oney to know commercial codes possible.

  • For each offer, there is a specific threshold (max and min amount) which can be set up with Oney.

    If you don't know these thresholds, Please make contact with Oney.

Validations that take place on the payment server are:

  • orderId data must be filled. It is treated as an order reference for Oney. You should make sure that the orderId is unique.
  • Oney requires other data to be present in the payment request, to acknowledge this list, please refer to paragraph «Setting the payment request».

The instant response returned from the online payment can be definitive (CAPTURED) or temporary (TO_CONFIRM_CAPTURE).

The definitive response is known upon confirmation operation (going to CAPTURED status in cas of approval, or REFUSED otherwise). In order to know the final result of the payment, you must check the detailed remittance transactions daily in the Operations report.

Therefore, you have to wait for the transaction to be in CAPTURED state to deliver the package to your clients.

The client choses Oney Paylater as mean of payment.

Then he's redirected to Oney's payment details page

Screenshot of Oney's Homepage

Once he's on the next page, it contains payment details which he has to fill.

Screenshot showing the input fields for the payment data

Finally, when the order is processed with Oney, a confirmation page appears.

Screenshot of order details

In order to offer the Oney Paylater mean of payment on your website, you have to sign an acceptance contract with Oney. Thereafter, you transmit us the contract number for recording in our information system.

You can offer the Oney Paylater mean of payment through the Sips Paypage which directly acts as the payment interface with customers via their web browser.

The remittance modes available for an Oney Paylater transaction are :

  • Immediate mode: the authorisation and remittance are executed online simultaneously.
  • Validation mode: you must validate the transaction to trigger the remittance. A capture delay must also be defined. When this capture delay is reached or exceeded, you will not be able to validate the transaction, which will therefore expire automatically.

The diagram below explains the different transaction statuses according to the chosen capture mode:

Description of the possible statuses for an Oney Paylater transaction

In validation mode (captureMode = VALIDATION), if the transaction is accepted, it is set to status TO_VALIDATE. In immediate mode (captureMode = IMMEDIATE), if the transaction is accepted (responseCode equal to 00), it is set to status CAPTURED. Regardless of the capture mode, if the transaction is refused (responseCode not equal to 00), it is set to status REFUSED.

The payment process for Sips Paypage is described below:

image showing the kinematics of a payment via Paypage

The following fields have a particular behaviour:

Field Name Remarks/rules
amount Mandatory, max and min amount which can be set up with Oney.
captureDay The value sent in the request must be 30 at a maximum.
A larger value will be forced to 30.
paymentPattern Tհe value sent in the request is ignored.
The payment type is forced to ONE_SHOT.
orderId Mandatory
customerId Mandatory, maximum 8 characters
paymentMeanData.oneypaylater.settlementMode Mandatory : Business transaction code; Contact Oney for a complete list of these payment terms.
customerContact For more details, cf. the tables below.
customerAddress For more details, cf. the tables below.
customerLanguage Mandatory, allows to choose the language used on Worldline Sips and Oney pages.
deliveryData For more details, cf. the tables below.
deliveryContact For more details, cf. the tables below.
deliveryAddress For more details, cf. the tables below.
shoppingCartDetail For more details, cf. the tables below.
Table 1. customerContact
Field Name Remarks/rules
customerContact.title Mandatory (M, MME or MLLE)
customerContact.lastname Mandatory
customerContact.firstname Mandatory
customerContact.phone Mandatory
customerContact.mobile Mandatory
customerContact.email Mandatory
Table 2. customerAddress
Field Name Remarks/rules
customerAddress.streetNumber Optional
customerAddress.street Mandatory
customerAddress.zipCode Mandatory
customerAddress.city Mandatory
customerAddress.country Mandatory (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
customerAddress.addressAdditional1 Optional
Table 3. deliveryData
Field Name Remarks/rules
deliveryData.estimatedDeliveryDate Mandatory
deliveryData.deliveryMode Mandatory

1 – At the merchant

2 – Third-party relay point

3 - Airport, train station, travel agency

4 – Billing address

5 – Delivery address

6 – Electronic ticket

deliveryData.deliveryMethod Mandatory, on 2 digits

1st digit : delivery option

1 - Express (under 24h)

2 – Standard

3 – Priority

2nd digit : delivery priority

0 - If no priority

1 - Delivery over 1 hour

2 – Immediate delivery

Table 4. deliveryContact
Field Name Remarks/rules
deliveryContact.title Optional (M, MME or MLLE)
deliveryContact.lastname Mandatory
deliveryContact.firstname Mandatory
deliveryContact.phone Mandatory
deliveryContact.email Mandatory
Table 5. deliveryAddress
Field Name Remarks/rules
deliveryAddress.streetNumber Optional
deliveryAddress.street Mandatory
deliveryAddress.zipCode Mandatory
deliveryAddress.city Mandatory
deliveryAddress.country Mandatory (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
deliveryAddress.addressAdditional1 Optional
deliveryAddress.company Optional


Attention: shoppingCartItemList is a complex object.
Please refer to the inegration guide of the connector you have chosen to integrate to learn you to implement this field.
Note: the most expensive product must be the first item in the cart.
Field Name Remarks/rules
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartTotalQuantity Mandatory
With N items … (minimum 1 item) Mandatory
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productSKU Mandatory Values :

1 – Food and drink

2 – Car and motorcycle

3 – Culture and entertainment

4 – Home and garden

5 – household appliances

6 - Auctions and multiple purchases

7 – Flowers and gifts

8 – PC and software

9 - Beauty and well-being

10 – Services to a person

11 – Professional services

12 – Sport

13 – Clothing and accessories

14 – Travel and tourism

15 – Hifi, photo and video

16 – Phone and communications

shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productDescription Mandatory : label
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productCode Mandatory : external reference
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productQuantity Mandatory
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productUnitAmount Mandatory
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.travelData Optional

From version IR_WS_2.38 (Sips Paypage SOAP/REST) or HP_2.38 (Sips Paypage POST) Travel data - cf table below.

Note: travelData is a container reserved for tour operators. A field marked "Mandatory" below is mandatory only if its container is not empty.
Table 6. travelData
Field Name Remarks/rules
travelData.numberOfTravelers Optional
travelData.journeyDataList Optional

Fields marked "Mandatory" in this list are mandatory only if a journey is entered in the list

travelData.journeyDataList.journeyDataX.journeyStage Optional - Possible values :


travelData.journeyDataList.journeyDataX.journeySequence Conditional - Mandatory if journeyStage is TRANSIT

Indicates the sequence of the transient journey in the list of journeys, from 1 to 9

travelData.journeyDataList.journeyDataX.departureDateTime Mandatory - Format ISO8601

Departure date and time

travelData.journeyDataList.journeyDataX.departureLocation Mandatory

Departure city

travelData.journeyDataList.journeyDataX.arrivalLocation Mandatory

Arrival city

travelData.journeyDataList.journeyDataX.classLevel Mandatory - Possible values :

1 - First class or business class
2 - Second class or economy class

travelData.journeyDataList.journeyDataX.ticketExchangeabilityIndicator Mandatory - Possible values :

true - Tickets can be exchanged
false - Tickets can not be exchangede

travelData.journeyDataList.journeyDataX.journeyInsuranceIndicator Mandatory - Possible values :

true - The journey is guaranteed
false - The journey is not guaranteed

travelData.journeyDataList.journeyDataX.journeyMode Optional - Possible values :


travelData.stayDataList Optional

Fields marked "Mandatory" in this list are mandatory only if a stay is entered in the list

travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.numberOfPeopleStaying Optional
travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayLocation Mandatory

Place of residence

travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayNumberOfRooms Optional

Number of rooms

travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayArrivalDateTime Mandatory - Format ISO8601

Arrival date and time

travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayDepartureDateTime Mandatory - Format ISO8601

Departure date and time

travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayRentalCarIndicator Optional - Possible values :

true - A vehicle is rented for this stay
false - No vehicle rented for this stay

travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayInsuranceIndicator Mandatory - Possible values :

true - The stay is guaranteed
false - The stay is not guaranteed

travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayCategory Optional - Possible values :


Example of travelData with Sips Paypage, with two trips :
  • A trip to New York with a round flight from Paris and a stay in a hotel.
  • A day in London, departure from Paris by train with a connection in Lille and return to Paris by plane.
|shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList={productDescription=Paris NewYork,productCode=189,productSKU=14,productUnitAmount=250000,productQuantity=1,travelData.numberOfTravelers=1,
travelData.journeyDataList={departureLocation=Paris,arrivalLocation=New York,departureDateTime=2021-01-01T10:30:00+02:00,classLevel=1,journeyMode=AIR,journeyStage=OUTWARD,journeyInsuranceIndicator=true,ticketExchangeabilityIndicator=true},
{departureLocation=New York,arrivalLocation=Paris,departureDateTime=2021-01-05T17:30:00+02:00,classLevel=1,journeyMode=AIR,journeyStage=RETURN,journeyInsuranceIndicator=true,ticketExchangeabilityIndicator=true},
travelData.stayDataList={stayLocation=Blue Motel,stayArrivalDateTime=2021-01-01T20:00:00+02:00,stayDepartureDateTime=2021-01-05T07:30:00+02:00,stayNumberOfRooms=1,stayInsuranceIndicator=true,stayRentalCarIndicator=true}},
{productDescription=Paris London,productCode=190,productSKU=14,productUnitAmount=15000,productQuantity=1,travelData.numberOfTravelers=1,

            "productDescription":"Paris New York",
                     "arrivalLocation":"New York",
                     "departureLocation":"New York",
                     "stayLocation":"Blue Motel",
            "productDescription":"Paris London",

The following table summarises the different response cases to be processed:

Status Response fields Action to take
Payment accepted acquirerResponseCode = 00
authorisationId = (cf. the Data Dictionary documentation).
paymentMeanBrand = ONEY_PAYLATER
paymentMeanType = PROVIDER
You can deliver the order.
Pending acquirerResponseCode = (cf. the Data Dictionary documentation). Waiting for Oney acceptance.
Acquirer refusal acquirerResponseCode = (cf. the Data Dictionary documentation). The authorisation is refused for a reason unrelated to fraud.
If you have not opted for the "new payment attempt" option (please read the Functionality set-up Guide for more details), you can suggest that your customer pay with another means of payment by generating a new request.
Refusal due to maximum number of attempts reached responseCode = 75 The customer has made several attempts that have all failed.
Refusal due to a technical issue acquirerResponseCode = 90-98
responseCode = 90, 99
Temporary technical issue when processing the transaction. Suggest that your customer redo a payment later.

For the complete response codes (responseCode) and acquirer response codes (acquirerResponseCode), please refer to the Data dictionary.

The Oney Paylater means of payment acceptance is not available through the Sips Office solution.

The following operations are available on Oney Paylater transactions:

Cash management
Cancellation V
Validation V Validation available on the total or partial amount of the transaction.
Refund V
Duplication X
Credit X

The diagram below allows you to know which cash management operation is available when a transaction is in a given state:

image too complex to be described, please contact the support

The reports provided by Worldline Sips allow you to have a comprehensive and consolidated view of your transactions, cash operations, accounts and chargebacks. You can use this information to improve your information system.

The availability of Oney Paylater transactions for each type of report is summarised in the table below:

Disponibilité des journaux
Transactions report V
Operations report V
Reconciliations report V
Chargebacks report X
Note: for Oney Paylater transactions, the paymentMeanBrand field is populated with the value ONEY_PAYLATER.

You can view your Oney Paylater transactions and perform various cash management operations with Sips Office Extranet.

Screenshot of an Oney paylater transaction details

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