Release 24.5

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Cetelem 3X 4X CB

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Worldline Sips is a secure multi-channel e-commerce payment solution that complies with the PCI DSS standard. It allows you to accept and manage payment transactions by taking into account business rules related to your activity (payment upon shipping, deferred payment, recurring payment, payment in instalments, etc.).

The purpose of this document is to explain the Cetelem 3X 4X CB means of payment integration integration into Worldline Sips.

This document is intended to help you implement the Cetelem 3X 4X CB means of payment integration on your e-commerce site.

It includes:

  • functional information for you
  • implementation instructions for your technical team

To get an overview of the Worldline Sips solution, we advise you to consult the following documents:

  • Functional presentation
  • Functionality set-up guide

Cetelem, a brand of BNP Paribas Personal Finance, is a French financial institution specialising in financing individuals consumer credit activities.

Cetelem offers a mean of payment allowing to pay in 3 or 4 instalments for online purchases, with CB, Visa or Mastercard debit cards.

During a Cetelem 3X 4XCB payment, the customer is redirected to the Cetelem credit application opening application. At the end of their entry, they are informed online of the payment result.

Payment channels
Internet V Default payment channel
Fax X
Means of payment
Immediate payment V
End-of-day payment X Forced to the immediate payment.
Deferred payment X Forced to the immediate payment.
Payment upon shipping X Forced to the immediate payment.
Payment in instalments X
Subscription payment X
Batch payment X
OneClick payment X
Currency management
Multicurrency acceptance X
Currency settlement X

The customer selects the Cetelem 3X 4X CB mean of payment.

Once the means of payment has been selected, the payment option selection page is displayed. The customer chooses to pay in 3 or 4 times.

The customer is then redirected to the required information entry page for a Cetelem 3X and 4X CB payment:

After providing the required information, the customer is redirected to the verification page for a Cetelem 3X 4X CB payment:

The payment ticket is displayed, then the customer returns to your website.

In order to offer the Cetelem 3X 4X CB means of payment on your website, you have to sign an acceptance contract with BNP Paribas Personal Finance. Thereafter, you transmit us the contract number for recording in our information system.

You can offer the Cetelem 3X 4X CB mean of payment through the Sips Paypage which directly acts as the payment interface with customers via their web browser.

The only remittance mode available for a Cetelem 3X 4X CB transaction is the immediate mode (the transaction remittance is executed at the time of the online payment acceptance).

The diagram below explains the different transaction statuses according to the chosen capture mode:

Description of the possible statuses for a Cetelem 3X 4X CB transaction

In immediate mode (captureMode = IMMEDIATE), if the transaction is accepted (responseCode equal to 00), it is set to status CAPTURED. If the transaction is refused (responseCode not equal to 00), it is set to status REFUSED.

The payment process for Sips Paypage is described below:

Steps of a Cetelem 3X 4X CB payment via Paypage

1) The customer proceeds with the payment. 2) They are redirected to the means of payment selection page hosted by Worldline Sips, they select Cetelem 3X 4X CB and enter their card number. 3) They are redirected to the Cetelem page where they authenticate themselves. 4) They are redirected to a Worldline Sips page. 5) If they click on the back to eshop button, they are redirected to your website which triggers the manual response to be sent. 6) Worldline Sips sends an automatic response.

This part lists all the data exchanged between the various actors (merchant, Worldline Sips, Cetelem) during a Cetelem 3X 4X CB payment request.

Some fields that you have populated allow to pre-fill the form hosted by Cetelem 3X 4X CB:

Field name Remarks/rules
captureMode Tհe value sent in the request is ignored.
The capture mode is forced to IMMEDIATE.
captureDay Tհe value sent in the request is ignored.
The capture delay is forced to 0.
paymentPattern Tհe value sent in the request is ignored.
The payment type is forced to ONE_SHOT.
orderId The field must contain a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters, otherwise the payment method is not available.
paymentMeanData.cetelem3x​​.cetelemPrivateMerchantData Optional (400 characters maximum):
Private data relating to the merchant.
paymentMeanData.cetelem4x​.cetelemPrivateMerchantData Optional (400 characters maximum):
Private data relating to the merchant.
paymentMeanData.cetelem3x​​.cetelemPrivateData Optional (400 characters maximum):
Private data relating to the exchanges between Monext and the merchant.
paymentMeanData.cetelem4x​.cetelemPrivateData Optional (400 characters maximum):
Private data relating to the exchanges between Monext and the merchant.


Field name Mandatory/optional
holderContact.title Mandatory
holderContact.firstname Mandatory
holderContact.lastname Mandatory
holderContact.phone Optional
At least one of the phone numbers must be populated.
holderContact.mobile Optional
At least one of the phone numbers must be populated.
holderContact.email Mandatory


Field name Mandatory/optional
billingContact.firstname Mandatory
billingContact.lastname Mandatory


Field name Mandatory/Optional
deliveryContact.firstname Mandatory
deliveryContact.lastname Mandatory

Specific data format

Data Format details
Holder Title Only the following values are valid: M, Mlle, Mme
*Holder and Billing name Only the following characters are accepted:
  • the letters of the alphabet [A-Za-z] (from A to Z in lowercase or uppercase)
  • the following accented letters [àâáãäçèéêëîìíïôòóóùûúúü] in lowercase or uppercase
  • the [-] character is accepted provided that it is not at the beginning or the end
  • the space character [ ] whatever its position
  • the apostrophe character ['] is accepted provided that it is not at the beginning or the end.
Any characters, other than those mentioned above, are not allowed. The value must contain at least 2 characters.
**Contact phone The transmitted number must respect the following format:
  • "00" followed by the dialing code followed by 9 digits xxxxxxxxx
  • "0" followed by 9 digits xxxxxxxxx
  • "+" Followed by the dialing code followed by 9 digits xxxxxxxxx
  • the dialing code followed by 9 digits xxxxxxxxx.The accepted telephone codes are:
    • 33
    • 262 (La Réunion)
    • 269 (Mayotte)
    • 508 (Saint Pierre et Miquelon)
    • 590 (Guadeloupe & Saint Barthélemy &; Saint Martin)
    • 594 (Guyane)
    • 596 (Martinique)
    • 681 (Wallis & Futuna)
    • 687 (New Caledonia)
    • 689 (French Polynesia)
    • 377 (Monaco)
***Contact email Email in user@host format The user part can only contain the following characters:
  • the letters of the alphabet [A-Za-z] (from A to Z in upper or lower case)
  • the numbers [0-9] (from 0 to 9).
  • the underscore [_]
  • the dash [-]
  • the dot [.]
  • the plus [+]

The host part can only contain the following characters:

  • the letters of the alphabet [A-Za-z] (from A to Z in upper or lower case)
  • the numbers [0-9] (from 0 to 9).
  • the Dot [.]
  • ending with a dot followed by 2 to 6 alphabetic characters [A-Za-z] (from A to Z in lower case or in uppercase).


Field name Mandatory/optional
billingAddress.street Mandatory
billingAddress.addressAdditional1 Optional
billingAddress.zipCode Mandatory
billingAddress.city Mandatory
billingAddress.country Mandatory


Field name Mandatory/optional
deliveryAddress.street Mandatory
deliveryAddress.addressAdditional1 Optional
deliveryAddress.zipCode Mandatory
deliveryAddress.city Mandatory
deliveryAddress.country Mandatory

The following table summarises the different response cases to be processed:

Status Response fields Action to take
Payment accepted acquirerResponseCode = 00
authorisationId = (cf. the Data Dictionary).
paymentMeanBrand = CETELEM_3X or CETELEM_4X
paymentMeanType = ONLINE_CREDIT
responseCode = 00
You can deliver the order.
Acquirer refusal acquirerResponseCode = (cf. the Data Dictionary).
responseCode = 05
The authorisation is refused for a reason unrelated to fraud.
If you have not opted for the "new payment attempt" option (please read the Functionality set-up Guide for more details), you can suggest that your customer pay with another means of payment by generating a new request.
Refusal due to the number of attempts reached responseCode = 75 The customer has made several attempts that have all failed.
Refusal due to a technical issue acquirerResponseCode = 90-98
responseCode = 90, 99
Temporary technical issue when processing the transaction. Suggest that your customer redo a payment later.

For the complete response codes (responseCode) and acquirer response codes (acquirerResponseCode), please refer to the Data dictionary.

The Cetelem 3X 4X CB means of payment acceptance is not available through the Sips Office solution.

The following operations are available on Cetelem 3X 4X CB transactions:

Cash management
Cancellation X
Validation X
Refund V
Duplication X
Credit X

The diagram below allows you to know which cash management operation is available when a transaction is in a given state:

Cash management operations availability

If the transaction is accepted, the status is set to CAPTURED. When the status is CAPTURED, a total or partial refund can be made. In the case of partial refund the status remains CAPTURED and in the case of total refund the status becomes CREDITED.

The reports provided by Worldline Sips allow you to have a comprehensive and consolidated view of your transactions, cash operations, accounts and chargebacks. You can use this information to improve your information system.

The availability of Cetelem 3X 4X CB transactions for each type of report is summarised in the table below:

Reports availability
Transactions report V
Operations report V
Reconciliations report X
Chargebacks report X
Note: for Cetelem 3X 4X CB transactions, the paymentMeanBrand field is populated with values CETELEM_3X and CETELEM_4X.

You can view your Cetelem 3X 4X CB transactions and perform various cash management operations with Sips Office Extranet.

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