Release 25.1

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11-digit card range

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What is the beach card repository ?

The Visa, Mastercard and CB networks manage the card repository by ranges (lower bound, upper bound) for which the attributes of issued cards are defined (Country Code, Card Type, Product Code, cobadging indicator).

What will change ?

As of 1 April 2022, the Mastercard range definition bounds will be 11 digits. The granularity of range definition will be finer.

What will not change ?

The map information returned by Sips remains unchanged, it is simply the division of the ranges that will be more refined.

What are the possible consequences ?

For Sips 2.0 Office merchants who consult the card repository directly or via Sips (getCardData method), identifying ranges of less than 10 digits in length can have negative effects as Sips will return a list of several card ranges that will need to be filtered. If you do nothing, it is possible that you will not identify the range correctly and therefore deduce wrong information about the card.

Actions required at your level as a merchant

If you are accessing card repositories online or via Sips (getCardData method), you must modify your integration to identify cards based on the first 11 digits. The optimal Sips response from the getCardData method is to return one range (CB,Visa,Mastercard non-co-badged card) or two ranges (CB/Visa, CB/Mastercard co-badged card).

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