Release 25.1

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Sips Message

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Worldline Sips is a secure multi-channel e-commerce payment solution that complies with the PCI DSS standard. It allows you to accept and manage payment transactions by taking into account business rules related to your activity (payment on despatch, deferred payment, recurring payment, payment in instalments, etc.).

The purpose of this document is to explain the usage of the Sips Message solution.

This document is intended for merchants who wish to send their customers a message by email or SMS indicating whether payment has been accepted or not.

It is an implementation guide for your technical team.

To get an overview of the Worldline Sips solution, we advise you to consult the following documents:

  • Functional presentation
  • Functionality set-up guide

For any technical question or request for assistance, our services are available:

  • by telephone at: +33 (0) 811 10 70 33
  • by e-mail: sips@worldline.com

In order to facilitate the processing of your requests, please provide your merchantId (15-digit number).

Sips Message is a system that allows you to send your customers a message by email or SMS indicating whether their payments have been accepted or refused.

This service is available with Sips Paypage, Sips Office, Sips In-App connectors for all payment means.

Sips Message allows you to send multilingual and personalised messages.

Diagram with the steps of how the personalisation of the payment confirmation works

1. When the customer proceeds to the payment stage, a payment request must be sent to the Worldline Sips payment pages.

Two independent response notifications are possible:

2. Manual responses are sent in HTTP(S) POST format by the payment server to the manual response URL. This URL is specified in the payment request and is used when the customer clicks "Continue" on the payment page. It is the destination page to which the customer is redirected at the end of the payment. As there is no guarantee that the customer will click this button, you have no guarantee of receiving the manual response.

2'. Automatic responses are sent independently of the manual responses. They similarly use HTTP(S) POST requests sent by Worldline Sips payment servers, but in this case they use the automatic response URL specified in the payment request. This means that you receive the response as soon as the payment is made in the Worldline Sips payment pages.

3. Email payment confirmations or SMS payment confirmations are sent by our Sips Message service to the customer (and also to the merchant in carbon copy) if the corresponding option is enabled.

For a payment confirmation to be sent, you must fill in the customerContact.email field for a message via email or the customerContact.mobile field for a SMS message in your payment request.

If you want to send messages in different languages depending on your customer's language with the Sips Office and Sips In-App connectors, you must also complete the customerLanguage field so that Worldline Sips knows in which language the message should be sent.

With Sips Paypage, if the customerLanguage field is not filled in, the language is calculated based on the customer's browser language.

Note: if both the customerContact.email and customerContact.mobile fields are filled in, the message will be emailed.

The message personalisation step is optional. If you do not want to personalise the messages, the Worldline Sips templates will be used by default (see templates in the sections Personalising email messages and Personalising SMS messages), you can skip directly to the following step.

The messages can be personalised with templates containing the text of your message and contextual elements for the transaction (you will find all the variables in the dictionary of tags).

Tip: you can send messages in different languages. You must create one template per language.

For example, if you want to send a message for an accepted payment and another one for a declined payment both in English and in French, you will need to create 4 templates:

  • one for payment accepted in French
  • one for payment accepted in English
  • one for payment declined in French
  • one for payment declined in English

The mail templates consist of HTML tags. By default, the sent email messages are:

  • For an accepted payment

image showing the e-mail message for an accepted payment

The email object : Payment confirmation followed by the web shop name (MerchantName). The message indicates : Hello, Your transaction has been accepted and registered. Please find further information related to your purchase below. Best regards, team (followed by the web shop name). Below this message is a summary with the header "Secure Internet Payment" followed by these details : Merchant name : merchantName, Merchant identifier : merchantId, On : date and time of the transaction, Transaction number : transactionReference, Authorisation number; authorisation reference, Amount : paid amount, Payment mean used : name of the means of payment used, Card number : truncated card number, Transaction status : approved, Please Keep your receipt for reference.

  • For a declined payment

image showing the e-mail message for a refused payment

The email object : Payment refused followed by the web shop name (MerchantName). The message indicates : Hello, Your transaction has failed. Please find below information related to your request. Best regards, team (followed by the web shop name). Below this message is a summary with the header "Secure Internet Payment" followed by these details : Merchant name : merchantName, Merchant identifier : merchantId, On : date and time of the transaction, Transaction number : transactionReference, Amount : paid amount, Payment mean used : name of the means of payment used, Card number : truncated card number, Transaction status : refused, Please Keep your receipt for reference.

The following tags let you personalise your email:

Tag Personalised part
<!-- SIPS +com.worldline.sips.sipsmsg.push.sendMessage.tools.tags.SipsMsgTags.mailSubject --> Email subject
<!-- SIPS +net.worldline.mm.fwk.wpm.media.DefaultTags.displayProperties --> Replaces the variables with the syntax "__FIELD_NAME__"* with your choice of values
<img src=”cid:myPicture.jpg” /> Logo (format: jpg, png, gif, bmp)
Note: *the variables start and end with 2 underscores. If the tag contains multiple words, they are also separated by an underscore.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- SIPS +com.worldline.sips.sipsmsg.push.sendMessage.tools.tags.SipsMsgTags.mailSubject -->
Confirmation de paiement
<!-- SIPS -com.worldline.sips.sipsmsg.push.sendMessage.tools.tags.SipsMsgTags.mailSubject -->
<!-- SIPS +com.worldline.sips.sipsmsg.push.sendMessage.tools.tags.SipsMsgTags.language -->
<!-- SIPS -com.worldline.sips.sipsmsg.push.sendMessage.tools.tags.SipsMsgTags.language -->
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>Confirmation de paiement</title>
  <!-- SIPS +net.worldline.mm.fwk.wpm.media.DefaultTags.displayProperties -->
  <body style="text-align:center; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:100%; border:0px">
        <td align="center">
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:602px; border:1px solid gainsboro;">
            <tr id="mail_header">
              <td align="center">
                <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:600px; height:80px;">
                    <td style="text-align:left; width:300px; height:80px;"><img src="cid:worldline.jpg" alt="Worldline"/></td>
                    <td style="text-align:left; width:200px; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">
                      <div style="font-size:16px; font-weight:bold; color:#046380;margin-right:5px">Confirmation de paiement</div>
                      <div>Shop __MERCHANT_NAME__<br/>__PAYMENT_DATE__</div>
            <tr id="mail_separator_1"><td><hr style="height:3px; border:0px; background-color:#9D9D9D; color:#9D9D9D;"/></td></tr>
            <tr id="mail_body">
              <td align="center">
                <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:580px; line-height:160%;">
                    <td align="center">
                      <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:580px; margin-left:30px;">
                          <td style="text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">
                        <tr><td style="height:10px;"/></tr>
                          <td style="text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">
                              Votre transaction a été acceptée et enregistrée.<br/>
                              Vous trouverez ci-dessous des informations supplémentaires concernant votre achat.
                        <tr><td style="height:10px;"/></tr>
                          <td style="text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">
                            Cordialement, l'équipe __MERCHANT_NAME__
                  <tr><td style="height:20px;"/></tr>
                    <td align="center">
                      <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:560px; border:1px solid gainsboro; border-color:#93BCDA;">
                          <td style="height:60px; text-align:center; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; color:#046380;">
                            PAIEMENT<br/>PAR INTERNET SÉCURISÉ
                          <td align="center">
                            <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:500px;">
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Nom du marchand :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__MERCHANT_NAME__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Identifiant du marchand :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__MERCHANT_ID__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Le :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__PAYMENT_DATE__ à __PAYMENT_TIME__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Numéro de transaction :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__TRANSACTION_ID__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Numéro d'autorisation :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__AUTHORISATION_ID__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Montant :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__AMOUNT__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Moyen de paiement utilisé :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__CARD_TYPE__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Numéro de carte :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__CARD_NUMBER__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Statut de la transaction :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">Approuvé</td>
                          <td style="height:40px; text-align:center; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">
            <tr><td style="height:10px;"/></tr>
            <tr id="mail_separator_2"><td><hr style="height:3px; border:0px; background-color:#9D9D9D; color:#9D9D9D;"/></td></tr>
            <tr id="mail_footer">
              <td align="center">
                <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:580px;">
                    <td style="height:30px; text-align:right; vertical-align:top; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#9d9d9d;">
                      © Worldline
  <!-- SIPS -net.worldline.mm.fwk.wpm.media.DefaultTags.displayProperties -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- SIPS +com.worldline.sips.sipsmsg.push.sendMessage.tools.tags.SipsMsgTags.mailSubject -->
Paiement refusé
<!-- SIPS -com.worldline.sips.sipsmsg.push.sendMessage.tools.tags.SipsMsgTags.mailSubject -->
<!-- SIPS +com.worldline.sips.sipsmsg.push.sendMessage.tools.tags.SipsMsgTags.language -->
<!-- SIPS -com.worldline.sips.sipsmsg.push.sendMessage.tools.tags.SipsMsgTags.language -->
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>Paiement refusé</title>
  <!-- SIPS +net.worldline.mm.fwk.wpm.media.DefaultTags.displayProperties -->
  <body style="text-align:center; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:100%; border:0px">
        <td align="center">
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:602px; border:1px solid gainsboro;">
            <tr id="mail_header">
              <td align="center">
                <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:600px; height:80px;">
                    <td style="text-align:left; width:300px; height:80px;"><img src="cid:worldline.jpg" alt="Worldline"/></td>
                    <td style="text-align:left; width:200px; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">
                      <div style="font-size:16px; font-weight:bold; color:#046380;margin-right:5px">Paiement refusé</div>
                      <div>Shop __MERCHANT_NAME__<br/>__PAYMENT_DATE__</div>
            <tr id="mail_separator_1"><td><hr style="height:3px; border:0px; background-color:#9D9D9D; color:#9D9D9D;"/></td></tr>
            <tr id="mail_body">
              <td align="center">
                <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:580px; line-height:160%;">
                    <td align="center">
                      <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:580px; margin-left:30px;">
                          <td style="text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">
                        <tr><td style="height:10px;"/></tr>
                          <td style="text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">
                              Votre transaction a échoué.<br/>
                              Vous trouverez ci-dessous les informations relatives à votre demande.
                        <tr><td style="height:10px;"/></tr>
                          <td style="text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">
                            Cordialement, l'équipe __MERCHANT_NAME__
                  <tr><td style="height:20px;"/></tr>
                    <td align="center">
                      <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:560px; border:1px solid gainsboro; border-color:#93BCDA;">
                          <td style="height:60px; text-align:center; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; color:#046380;">
                            PAIEMENT<br/>PAR INTERNET SÉCURISÉ
                          <td align="center">
                            <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:500px;">
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Nom du marchand :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__MERCHANT_NAME__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Identifiant du marchand :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__MERCHANT_ID__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Le :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__PAYMENT_DATE__ à __PAYMENT_TIME__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Numéro de transaction :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__TRANSACTION_ID__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Montant :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__AMOUNT__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Moyen de paiement utilisé :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__CARD_TYPE__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Numéro de carte :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">__CARD_NUMBER__</td>
                              <tr><td colspan="3" style="height:5px;"/></tr>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:right; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px;">Statut de la transaction :</td>
                                <td style="width:4px;"/>
                                <td style="width:248px; text-align:left; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">Refusé</td>
                          <td style="height:40px; text-align:center; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;">
            <tr><td style="height:10px;"/></tr>
            <tr id="mail_separator_2"><td><hr style="height:3px; border:0px; background-color:#9D9D9D; color:#9D9D9D;"/></td></tr>
            <tr id="mail_footer">
              <td align="center">
                <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" style="width:580px;">
                    <td style="height:30px; text-align:right; vertical-align:top; font-family:'Verdana Regular','Verdana','sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#9d9d9d;">
                      © Worldline
  <!-- SIPS -net.worldline.mm.fwk.wpm.media.DefaultTags.displayProperties -->

SMS templates consist of plain text. By default, the sent SMS messages are:

  • For an accepted payment

image showing the sms for an accepted payment

The sms indicates : PAYMENT RECEIPT (web shop name) ACCEPTED transaction nb (transaction reference) on (date and time of the transaction) fo (amount of the transaction) name of the means of payment used, truncated card number, author : (authorization reference), Order : (order number)
  • For a declined payment

image showing the sms for an refused payment

The sms indicates : PAYMENT REFUSED (web shop name) REFUSED transaction nb (transaction reference) on (date and time of the transaction) fo (amount of the transaction) name of the means of payment used, truncated card number, Order : (order number)

The content of the SMS can be personalised via a text template file.

The <!-- SIPS +net.worldline.mm.fwk.wpm.media.DefaultTags.displayProperties --> tag allows you to replace all variables with the syntax "__FIELD_NAME__" with your choice of values.

<!-- SIPS +net.worldline.mm.fwk.wpm.media.DefaultTags.displayProperties -->
Order: __ORDER_ID__
<!-- SIPS -net.worldline.mm.fwk.wpm.media.DefaultTags.displayProperties -->
<!-- SIPS +net.worldline.mm.fwk.wpm.media.DefaultTags.displayProperties -->
Order: __ORDER_ID__
<!-- SIPS -net.worldline.mm.fwk.wpm.media.DefaultTags.displayProperties -->

To use Sips Message, you must request activation of the options that interest you and provide Worldline Sips with the following information:

Option Action
General settings
send a payment confirmation for payment accepted activate
send a payment confirmation for payment declined activate
Settings for email messages
send a payment confirmation by email activate
indicate the email address of the sender complete
indicate the "cc" carbon copy email complete
indicate the template file name used for emails complete
indicate the email subject for payment accepted complete
indicate the email subject for payment declined complete
Settings for SMS messages
send a payment confirmation by SMS activate
indicate the template file name used for SMS complete

Send all of this information and your custom template(s) to Worldline Sips technical support indicating your merchantId.

The template files must be named as follows: templatenamelanguage.status.extension

For example, for a French email template for an accepted payment, the file will be named as follows: mytemplatefr.accepted.html

Note: if no template is provided, the Worldline Sips template is used by default. If you do not want to personalise messages, you do not need to provide a template.
Tag Format Description Corresponding field in the connectors
__AMOUNT__ Alphanumeric Amount of payment formatted with the currency amount
__AUTHORISATION_ID__ Alphanumeric Authorisation ID authorisationId
__PAYMENT_TIME__ dd/mm/yy Transaction date Based on merchantTransactionDateTime
__PAYMENT_DATE__ hh:mm Transaction time Based on merchantTransactionDateTime
__CARD_NUMBER__ Alphanumeric Masked card number (example: 4955 #### #### 1234) maskedPan
__CARD_TYPE__ Alphanumeric Name of the payment method used by the buyer cardScheme
__MERCHANT_ID__ Numerical Merchant ID merchantId
__MERCHANT_NAME__ Alphanumeric Merchant name merchantName
__TRANSACTION_ID__ Alphanumeric Transaction ID transactionId or transactionReference
__HOLDER_FIRSTNAME__ Alphanumeric Card holder first name holderContact.firstname
__HOLDER_LASTNAME__ Alphanumeric Card holder last name holderContact.lastname
__TRADE_NAME__ Alphanumeric Commercial group name Based on the merchant configuration
__INVOICE_REFERENCE__ Numerical Invoice reference invoiceReference

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