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Cofidis Pay 5X 10X 20X

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Worldline Sips is a secure multi-channel e-commerce payment solution that complies with the PCI DSS standard. It allows you to accept and manage payment transactions by taking into account business rules related to your activity (payment upon shipping, deferred payment, recurring payment, payment in instalments, etc.).

The purpose of this document is to explain the Cofidis Pay 5X 10X 20X means of payment integration integration into Worldline Sips.

This document is intended to help you implement the Cofidis Pay 5X 10X 20X means of payment integration on your e-commerce site.

It includes:

  • functional information for you
  • implementation instructions for your technical team

To get an overview of the Worldline Sips solution, we advise you to consult the following documents:

  • Functional presentation
  • Functionality set-up guide

CofidisPay-5X10X20X is an online shopping financing solution offered by Cofidis. This is a revolving credit to pay in several instalments, but also in cash.

With this solution, customers benefit from a deferred payment up to 45 days and pay for purchases without having to transmit their credit card number.

The principle of CofidisPay-5X10X20X payment is based on the virtual account use for purchases. The online creation of this virtual account is done during the first payment (personal data entry and guarantee on the credit card).

For the following purchases, the use of this account is authenticated by login credentials.

Payment channels
Internet V Default payment channel
Fax X
Means of payment
Immediate payment X
End-of-day payment V
Deferred payment V
Payment upon shipping V
Payment in instalments X
Subscription payment X
Batch payment X
OneClick payment X
Currency management
Multicurrency acceptance X EUR (978) only
Currency settlement X EUR (978) only

Two paths are available for customers:

  • the "Already a customer" path (the customer has an account).
  • the "Prospect" path (the customer creates his account, which implies a longer payment process).

diagram showing the kinematics of an existing customer

The customer validates his basket and chooses Cofidis Pay as the payment method on the merchant's website. He is redirected through WL Sips to the Cofidis pages in order to identify himself and access his customer account and then chooses the payment modality. On returning to WL Sips, the ticket with the result is displayed. The customer is then redirected to the merchant's website, which confirms whether or not the order has been processed.
Pages Steps
Merchant Cart validation
Merchant or Worldline Sips Mean of payment selection (here on the merchant website).
Worldline Sips The customer is automatically redirected to the Worldline Sips platform to initiate the transaction. The Worldline Sips platform can display the "mean of payment choice" page to the customer.
Cofidis The customer authenticates with virtual account identifiers.
Cofidis Mean of payment choice (cash, 5 instalments, 10 instalments, etc).
Worldline Sips Ticket presentation
Merchant The customer is redirected to the merchant website.

diagram showing the kinematics of a prospect

The customer validates his basket and chooses Cofidis Pay as the payment method on the merchant's website. He is redirected through WL Sips to the Cofidis pages in order to identify himself, choose his payment method and fill in the registration form. On returning to WL Sips, the ticket with the result is displayed. The customer is then redirected to the merchant's website page, which confirms whether or not the order has been processed.
Pages Steps
Merchant Cart validation
Merchant or Worldline Sips Mean of payment selection (here on the merchant website).
Worldline Sips The customer is automatically redirected to the Worldline Sips platform to initiate the transaction. The Worldline Sips platform can display the the "mean of payment choice" page to the customer.
Cofidis The customer chooses the prospect path.
Cofidis Mean of payment choice (cash, 5 instalments, 10 instalments, etc).
Cofidis The customer populates his personal data (3 pages).
Cofidis The customer populates his bank details.
Cofidis Contract presentation for validation.
Worldline Sips Ticket presentation
Merchant The customer is redirected to the merchant website.

The customer selects the CofidisPay-5X10X20X means of payment.

They are then redirected to the login page:

Once connected, the payment option selection page is displayed:

The payment ticket is displayed, then the customer returns to your website:

In order to offer the CofidisPay-5X10X20X means of payment on your website, you have to sign an acceptance contract with Cofidis. Thereafter, you transmit us the contract number for recording in our information system.

You can offer the CofidisPay-5X10X20X mean of payment through the Sips Paypage which directly acts as the payment interface with customers via their web browser.

The remittance modes available for a CofidisPay-5X10X20X transaction are:

  • Cancellation mode: default mode allowing transaction remittance on a predefined date, called capture delay. When this capture delay is reached, the remittance is sent automatically. This delay is set via the captureDay field with its 0 default value (end-of-day payment).
  • Validation mode: you must validate the transaction to trigger the remittance. A capture delay must also be defined. When this capture delay is reached or exceeded, you will not be able to validate the transaction, which will therefore expire automatically.
  • Immediate mode: the authorisation and remittance are executed online simultaneously.

The diagram below explains the different transaction statuses according to the chosen capture mode:

diagram showing the different statuses of a transaction

If the merchant chooses validation mode, the transaction will either go to the To validate status if it has been accepted (response code 00) or to the refused status if it has been refused (response code 05). If the merchant chooses the cancellation mode, the transaction will either go to the To capture status if it was accepted (response code 00) or to the refused status if it was refused (response code 05). In the event of a timeout, and depending on the capture mode used, the transaction temporarily goes into TO_CONFIRM_AUTHOR or TO_CONFIRM_CAPTURE status.

The payment process for Sips Paypage is described below:

diagram showing the payment kinematics via paypage

1) After finalizing the order on the merchant website, the customer proceeds to the payment. 2) The customer is redirected to the payment pages hosted on the Worldline Sips side and selects the payment method Cofidis Pay 5X 10X 20X. 3) The customer is redirected to Cofidis to finalise the payment. 4) When the customer returns to Worldline Sips the ticket with the result is displayed. 5) If the customer clicks on the return to shop button, his redirected to the merchant's website which unlocks the manual response. 6) The Worldline Sips engine also sends an automatic response to the merchant website.

This part lists all the data exchanged between the various actors (merchant, Worldline Sips, Cofidis) during a CofidisPay-5X10X20X payment request.

Some fields that you have populated allow to pre-fill the form hosted by Cofidis.

Field name Remarks/rules
paymentPattern Tհe value sent in the request is ignored.
The payment type is forced to ONE_SHOT.
orderId Mandatory (15 alphanumeric characters maximum)
amount Formated in cents 9 digits maximum


Optional (N7):
Your preliminary risk scoring on the transaction.
Setting a value in this field must be done in accordance with Cofidis.


Customer IP address.


Cf. the tables below for more details.
customerId Optional. (15 characters maximum)

Customer identifier.

customerData Optional.
Cf. the tables below for more details.
customerAddress Optional.
Cf. the tables below for more details.
customerLanguage Allows to choose the language used on Worldline Sips and Cofidis pages.
shoppingCartDetail Optional.
Cf. the tables below for more details.
deliveryData Optional.
Cf. the tables below for more details.
deliveryContact Optional.
Cf. the tables below for more details.
customerAccountHistoric Optional.
Cf. the tables below for more details.
travelData Optional.
Cf. the tables below for more details.
Note: Cofidis sends you recommendations to populate the preScoreValue and cofidisPrivateData fields. These instructions are not controlled by Worldline Sips because they do not block the payment processing.


Field name Remarks/rules
customerContact.title Customer's title (MR, MRS or MISS)
customerContact.firstname Customer's first name (32 characters maximum)
customerContact.lastname Customer's name (32 characters maximum)
customerContact.phone Landline number (10 numeric characters maximum)
customerContact.mobile Mobile phone number (10 numeric characters maximum)
customerContact.email E-mail address


Field name Remarks/rules
customerData.birthDate Birth date
customerData.birthZipCode Birth province (32 characters maximum)
customerData.birthCity Birthplace
customerData.birthCountry Country of birth
customerData.nationalityCountry Country of nationality
customerData.maidenName Maiden name (32 characters maximum)


Field name Remarks/rules


Street number (5 numeric characters maximum)
customerAddress.street Street name (40 characters maximum)
customerAddress.streetAdditional1 Addition to the address (32 characters maximum)
customerAddress.zipCode Postal code (5 characters maximum)
customerAddress.city City (32 characters maximum)
customerAddress.country Country code
customerAddress.postBox Post box for the address (8 characters maximum)
customerAddress.state Country/region of the address


Attention: shoppingCartItemList is a complex object.
Please refer to the integration guide of the connector you have chosen to integrate to learn you to implement this field.
Field name Remarks/rules
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartTotalQuantity Total quantity of all products in the basket (2 numeric characters maximum)
shoppingCartDetail.discountAmount 1 if a discount has been made, 0 else
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productUnitAmount Unit amount of the product
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.​productDescription Detailed description of the ordered product
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productCategory Category of the ordered product (20 characters maximum)
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productCode Ordered product code (15 characters maximum)
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productQuantity Product quantity in the cart (3 numeric characters maximum)
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productName Ordered product name (20 characters maximum)


Nom du champ Remarques / règles
deliveryData.deliveryChargeAmount Total charge of the order delivery (7 numeric characters maximum)

1 – Withdrawal at the merchant

2 – Network of withdrawal points

3 - Withdrawal at a train station, an airport, a travel agency

4 – Carrier (eg. La poste, Colissimo, UPS, private carrier)

5 – Electronic ticket

6 – Locker, pick-up point without identity check

7 – autre


S - Strandard

E – Express

I – Immediate

O - Other

deliveryData.deliveryOperator Delivery provider (50 characters maximum)


Nom du champ Remarques / règles


Number of the street of the address (5 numeric characters maximum)
deliveryAddress.street Name of the street of the address (40 characters maximum)
deliveryAddress.streetAdditional1 Addition to the address (32 characters maximum)
deliveryAddress.zipCode Postal code for the address (5 characters maximum)
deliveryAddress.city City (32 characters maximum)
deliveryAddress.country Coutry code
deliveryAddress.postBox Post box for the address (8 characters maximum)
deliveryAddress.state Country/region of the address


Nom du champ Remarques / règles
deliveryContact.mobile Mobile phone number for the contact (15 characters maximum)


Nom du champ Remarques / règles
travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayDepartureDateTime Departure date of stay
travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayArrivalDateTime Arrival date of stay
travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayCategory Nature of service for the stay
travelData.stayDataList.stayDataX.stayLocation Country code


Nom du champ Remarques / règles
customerAccountHistoric.creationDate Customer registration date on merchant site
customerAccountHistoric.firstPurchaseDate First customer purchase date
customerAccountHistoric.lastPurchaseDate Last customer purchase date
customerAccountHistoric.numberOfPurchase180Days Number of purchases made on the customer's account via the merchant site over the last six months (last 180 days) (2 numeric characters maximum)
customerAccountHistoric.numberOfTransactionYear Number of accepted or abandoned transactions in the last year on the merchant's customer account. (2 numeric characters maximum)

The following table summarises the different response cases to be processed:

Status Response fields Action to take
Payment accepted acquirerResponseCode = 00
paymentMeanBrand = 1EUROCOM
paymentMeanType = ONLINE_CREDIT
paymentMeanData.unEuroCom.​settlementMode = code of the means of payment selected by the customer.
responseCode = 00
You can deliver the order.
Acquirer refusal acquirerResponseCode = (cf. the Data Dictionary).
responseCode = 05
The authorisation is refused for a reason unrelated to fraud.
If you have not opted for the "new payment attempt" option (please read the Functionality set-up Guide for more details), you can suggest that your customer pay with another means of payment by generating a new request.
Refusal due to the number of attempts reached responseCode = 75 The customer has made several attempts that have all failed.
Refusal due to a technical issue acquirerResponseCode = 90-98
responseCode = 90, 99
Temporary technical issue when processing the transaction. Suggest that your customer redo a payment later.

For the complete response codes (responseCode) and acquirer response codes (acquirerResponseCode), please refer to the Data dictionary.

The CofidisPay-5X10X20X means of payment acceptance is not available through the Sips Office solution.

The following operations are available on CofidisPay-5X10X20X transactions:

Cash management
Cancellation V
Validation V
Refund V
Duplication X
Credit X

The diagram below explains which cash management operation is available when a transaction is in a given status:

The reports provided by Worldline Sips allow you to have a comprehensive and consolidated view of your transactions, cash operations, accounts and chargebacks. You can use this information to improve your information system.

The availability of Cofidis Pay 5X 10X 20X transactions for each type of report is summarised in the table below:

Reports availability
Transactions report V
Operations report V
Reconciliations report X
Chargebacks report X
Note: for Cofidis Pay 5X 10X 20X transactions, the paymentMeanBrand field is populated with the value 1EUROCOM.

You can view your CofidisPay-5X10X20X transactions and perform various cash management operations with Sips Office Extranet.

Here are the details of an CofidisPay-5X10X20X transaction:

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