Release 25.1

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Web content accessibility

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Web content accessibility provides access to all content and functions, regardless of physical or material constraints.

All digital content must be accessible:

  • For everybody (including situations of permanent or temporary disability)
  • On all devices

Only companies with sales of at least 250 million euros over the last three years are concerned.

Web content accessibility applies to:

  • internet, intranet, extranet sites; software packages, when they constitute applications used through a web browser or a mobile application;
  • mobile applications, which are defined as any application software designed and developed for use on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, regardless of operating system or hardware;

French regulations are based on the RGAA (Référentiel Général d'Amélioration de l'Accessibilité). It defines the criteria for :

Worldline Sips is in the process of complying with French web content accessibility standards.

This means:

  • Auditing all the impacted applications
  • Establishing for all those applications:
    • an accessibility statement, mentioning in particular the state of compliance of the application and the mandatory legal mentions
    • a compliance plan listing compliance milestones
    • a multi-year plan outlining long-term strategy for ensuring the compliance of its applications
Here are the different elements for the documentation site:
Here are the different elements for the documentation site:

Worldline Sips is responsible for the compliance of payment pages. However, if you customize the css of these pages, you are responsible for the modifications you make and for ensuring that they comply with the RGAA.

Audit in progress.

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